Yeah. I do. I mean is it really that scary to have a primary gun fight? Snipers aren't meant to be your primary. That's what Bungie was tying to get across when they implemented the special ammo nerf. Duke it out. Then grab special when it spawns. Why cheat the system? Seems like something a pansy would do. But like I said. That's just my two cents.
No, it's not pansy to use things available to everyone to your advantage. You're preaching to the choir with thinking people should be forced to use their primaries more often. I think the sniping is outrageous too, but I'm not going to blame the player for that fact, it's Bungie's fault for not patching exploits, and not correctly addressing the secondary weapons problem. Why do we keep secondary ammo when we die? That's stupid to me. There needs to be more ammo crates, the ammo needs to go away when the player dies, and it shouldn't be shared amongst the whole team. You should have to designate one team member to sniper/shotgun. More strategy that way, less "let's all just camp and snipe the entrances since we all have secondary now".