It's cute how you think The Ram does anything now, how you think Landfall is a mini Fist of Panic, and how you think Warlocks have the best melee in the game. It really shows how butthurt, and common you kids are.
Fyi, warlocks have the SLOWEST melee in the game, giving us the short stick. Titans, having their melee speed buffed, now have the most powerful melee in the game, on top of having a 1hk melee that doesn't even require a full charge lmao.
Please stop, before you make yourself look worse.
You said just said that Warlocks don't have the best melee. Right there. Anything you now say about anything means less than nothing. There's somethings you just admit. Even other Warlocks agree it's the best. Read other comments for proof
Please tell me how landfall is not a mini fist-of-havoc. It is an instant kill if you are on top of them, it hardly has to be aimed, and it doesn't even cost your super energy
If someone gets close enough to you to get over you, that's your own stupidity and you could've been dead a long time ago
You could say the same for FoH
[quote]You could say the same for FoH[/quote]except Titans have the juggernaut and unstoppable perks
And who ever uses those? Also transcendence heals you when you cast it so it's basically like unstoppable.
Edited by BlampsterBoy: 2/23/2016 2:25:02 AMNot salty, just butt hurt that he sucks at PVP. Besides the Titan melee for sunbreaker (easily the best one in my opinion) almost never registers, only does the burn
Mmmmm not as salty as hunters are about their precious blade dancer getting nerfed in y1
You are way more salty.
I'm actually just defending my class with the facts. I get to sit around and laugh, knowing warlocks are already balanced and have no reason to be changed.
It actually does need to be charged to one hit. And scorch melee with Viking funeral can one hit.
Full health, I've never killed anyone or been killed by anyone with a Viking funeral melee, unless level advantages are in effect
Lucky you
I was referring to Shoulder Charge, and obviously if a class has minimum armor, any melee can beat the shit out of it.
Shoulder charge technically charges....
Because it's really difficult to jog for 3 seconds then smash RB..
You're comparing warlocks to Titans you're drunk
Warlocks can one shot melee and get an overshield
Melee only 1 hits during Radiance. Try again.
Melee does 122 damage plus 11 ticks of 7 with VF for a total of 199 damage which one shots low armour guardians.
Titan melee speed buffed? Nope they got a range buff slightly not speed. And by best melee OP probably means that it has the longest range of any class melee
They got a melee speed buff. Go read the notes.
And which one would that be? If your talking about 2.1.0(which is where the Titan class was recently buffed/nerfed) all its says for Titan involving their melee is extended range by 12.5% nothing about speed
Notice how he stopped talking to you after this comment. XD