[spoiler]Ok. I'll fight tomorrow when I can. School and shite. [/spoiler]
Call me Duskwalker. I have a real name, but not many know it.
[i]The fog clears, to reveal me. A man who looks young, with eyes that seem centuries old. I have a revolver at my side, on my back rests a sword of my own. A knive's sheathe rests on my other leg. I am wearing simple blue jeans and a T-Shirt with a hoodie, and some form of soft body armor under the hoodie. I have medium-length black hair and black eyes, and a stubble of a beard beginning to show. I am tall and slender, yet muscular. Running from the top right of my fave to the bottom left are three deep scars that look like clawmarks, and on my left cheek I have a severe burn wound scar. I am a grizzled veteran. [/i]
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