[b]The figure sounds presumably male, in more of the matter it also hears your voice[/b]
[i]Draidbal... Ergh... Ulava. Poly, hais.. Helis... Helloi... Damut hello. Hello hello.[/i]
[b]Immediately the figure has seemingly processed the language info and... Spoke english?[/b]
*to the droids* "C'mon what's taking so long? This guy can't spe-" "Wait... Say that again?"
[i]Hallo, ergh, yuos arg en humon yesk?[/i]
"Yes, and you are a..?"
[i]Ig amsk ahg Drestian. [/i]
"Drestian? Where do you come from? How do you know my language? Why dock in our ship?"
[i]Arg esk tryinsk tog getsk usesk tog yoursh lanskuage... Ig... Dontsk knowg wherhg I amgs[/i]
"Try removing 'sssk' from your words, if you can manage, it will be easier to understand you, as for where you are, that's classified until I know more about you."
[i]Ig wask-... Erg... Wasss... Wass.. Waaas. [/i] [b]A bit frustrated the figure goes one[/b] [i]Wass activateg fromg mys-.... My cryog chagmer... What yearg es it?[/i]
[b]The figure seems to stumble back slightly and look around, back at the pod and then back at you again. He looks down at his armored palms slowly and around at himself[/b] [i].. It hasg beeg fiveg...hundrag yeargs.... [/i]
"I hate to inform you, but this vessel is actually exploring an uncharted Galaxy, that is, uncharted by humans. We have only just arrived and barely know the intelligent life around now, let alone 500 years ago."
[i]Ig was insidge a cryog pog for... That log... Vilish.... [/i]
"You can come aboard. We have food, and other supplies."
[i]Ig needsk-... Need ag communigation...[/i]
"We have that as well, but if what you say is true, you've had no food for 500 years."
[i]Cryog Chagmer keeps meg aliveg and frozeg my bodilg processegs[/i]
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 2/23/2016 10:15:03 PM"I'm aware, but even so. You've been out too long, and need some time to think."
"Okay, okay. Follow me." [b]He begins to walk towards an elevator at the end of the hangar.[/b]
[b]He slightly hesitates before following closely behind[/b]
[b]The elevator goes up 4 floors and let's out, he leads you to the bridge, where many microphones speakers, and other various communication devices are scattered.[/b] "Go crazy."
[b]Orion slowly walks over to some of the communication devices scanning over them and touching a few. He walks past a small white chip communicator lined with small orange letterings. He picks it up and looks at it closely. Orion then proceeds to open a small opening on the back of his helmet and places the chip within the chamber. Closing it he turns shaking his head slightly.[/b] [i]Hallo... Erm.. I am Orion...- Oh.. It, it works now odd... Well...[/i]
"Uhh... What was that thing?"
[i]It must have been one of your... Devices... On hand.. [/i]
"I see your speech is improved. Did you know it would do that?"