[b]Angela walked around the corner towards where the ship docked with her pistol on hand[/b]
[b]There was only one small hallway like tunnel connecting the ship to the large freight of crux.. Suddenly the door to the unknown ship hissed as it started to slide open[/b]
[b]she aimed her pistol at the door quickly chambering a round[/b]
[b]Suddenly a figure in white armor, small glowing luminescent lights on its helmet glowing as it slowly walks out of the ship and onto the freight. It sees you and holds a larger than average human armored hand up.[/b] [i]Dreggen Yor?[/i]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 2/23/2016 2:09:31 PM"Come again?" [b]she raises an eye brow[/b]
[i]Draggan... Yous areg humansg?[/i]
"Yes I'm human. What are you?"
[i]Ig esk Drestian... I havesk beeng reawogen fromg mysk cryog chagmer[/i]
"Interesting. I'm Angela"
[i]Chamberla Angelag... Mysk shipsk broughg mig hereg[/i]
"I can see that"
[i]Whereg.. Amsk Ig?..[/i]
"The ship is called the infinite"
[i]... esk thereg a commanderg?... Ag translatorg woulg alsog be niceg[/i]
"The commanding officer isn't here at the moment"
[i]... Mmm... Ig neeg communigations[/i]
"I have a translator for you"
[b]He starts to follow someone behind you, another member of the crew who has been talking with him before you walked up to him[/b] [i]Holg onsk[/i]
[b]she takes a small box off of her belt[/b] "Here"
[b]He takes it [/b] [i]?[/i]
"It's a translator"
[b]He taps his helmet[/b] [i]I have one now, one of your crew mates gave me one[/i]
"Oh good. So what brings you here?"
[i]My ship. [/i]
"I ment why are you here?"
[i]Im just along for the ride..[/i]