[b]she aimed her pistol at the door quickly chambering a round[/b]
[b]Suddenly a figure in white armor, small glowing luminescent lights on its helmet glowing as it slowly walks out of the ship and onto the freight. It sees you and holds a larger than average human armored hand up.[/b] [i]Dreggen Yor?[/i]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 2/23/2016 2:09:31 PM"Come again?" [b]she raises an eye brow[/b]
[i]Draggan... Yous areg humansg?[/i]
"Yes I'm human. What are you?"
[i]Ig esk Drestian... I havesk beeng reawogen fromg mysk cryog chagmer[/i]
"Interesting. I'm Angela"
[i]Chamberla Angelag... Mysk shipsk broughg mig hereg[/i]
"I can see that"
[i]Whereg.. Amsk Ig?..[/i]
"The ship is called the infinite"
[i]... esk thereg a commanderg?... Ag translatorg woulg alsog be niceg[/i]
"The commanding officer isn't here at the moment"
[i]... Mmm... Ig neeg communigations[/i]
"I have a translator for you"
[b]He starts to follow someone behind you, another member of the crew who has been talking with him before you walked up to him[/b] [i]Holg onsk[/i]
[b]she takes a small box off of her belt[/b] "Here"
[b]He takes it [/b] [i]?[/i]
"It's a translator"
[b]He taps his helmet[/b] [i]I have one now, one of your crew mates gave me one[/i]
"Oh good. So what brings you here?"
[i]My ship. [/i]
"I ment why are you here?"
[i]Im just along for the ride..[/i]
"Oh...OK then"
[i]I need to be... Introduced to your crew[/i]