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Edited by JermsD: 2/23/2016 5:12:34 AM
[quote]You're better then everyone else at your job, ofc you are because you are the head chef. When you said you are the "best chef and best leader" you were comparing yourself to other head chefs and other leaders, not anyone under you -.-[/quote] I compared myself to the other chefs at my location but you know that already because I clarified it for you several times, your just an ignorant tard that can't comprehend a simple sentence. [quote]You are calling yourself the best right there, acting like no one can replace you[/quote] Like I said before, I am the best choice and the strongest candidate at my job. So I am better than everyone there. What are you not understanding? Do I have to keep spoon feeding you? [quote]PvP - KD - 1.3 / 1.52 DTR Skill - 39 / 27 Best Elo Rank - Diamond 1 / Gold 1 (Diamond is better btw)[/quote] Yup, Diamond is better than gold.. but 1.52 is better than 1.3 and those are the stats that matter when comparing individual accounts but you already know that. So my pvp stats are better. [quote]PvE - Kings Fall Hard Completions - 56 / 8 Kings Fall Hard KD - 17.01 / 7.85 Grimoire - 4885 / 4220[/quote] It's funny how you only pulled up Kings Fall stats seeing as how my FULL PVE STATS ARE BETTER THAN YOURS! Clearly I only have 8 completions for KF so my stats are going to be low, but you can continue to compare 1 activity. You're truly an idiot for that kid. Did you think I wasn't going to call you out on that? So my overall pve stats are better too huh? :D So in conclusion, you have a higer grimoire / time played and I have higher PVE and PVP stats. Take this L.

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