Except it would still burn people. Touch of Flame would still be working. The INSANE burn, aka the Viking Funeral burn, would be during the super.
So what's the point of running Viking funeral then?
Do I really nees to requote myself? Mind you through this: firebolts will still burn. They just won't grant the insane burn, as U said. Now... you asked about Viking Funeral: First off: Viking Funeral would remain unchanged besides only working during radiance. You would still get the insane burn as I have mentioned multiple times now. They may even want to consider doubling the damage and halving the burn time, but thats just my opinion in Viking Funeral. Secondly: it would promote more aggressive play with Radiant Skin. It would still be useful for fireborn users as it would work, but it might not be as effective. Now though. Let me ask you this... what is the point of a few perks that only work while in your super? What is the point if say... Unstoppable on Striker? What about Flameseeker and Explosive Pyre from Sunbreaker. Illuminate for Defenders? How about Radiant Will from Sunsinger itself? Remember: those perks I named only work during the super. Viking Funeral would be added to the list of many perks to work during the super to encourage different builds.
The other classes have perks that directly affect their super because their classes don't revolve around the neutral game. Having the Viking funeral burn only on radiance would make it a wasted perk since supers are a small part of the game. This would sacrifice this classes strength for a strength other classes are meant to have. 2 grenades with burn would kill so why run Viking funeral when you can just have a longer radiance without sacrificing anything?
So go to the opposite spectrum. Sunbreaker was heavily super based, yet was changed and nerfed due to it being to powerful. Why use Viking Funeral over longer duration? Thats up to you. The two perks would be equally viable now. People would needs to make decisions and can change their builds. Currently, if you're running Sunsinger without ToF/VF, you're doing it absolutely wrong. This change would promote different builds. Something Bungie stated explicitly when nerfing Sunbreaker (granted, they went overboard with it) was that one build was just way to viable and they want every class to have viable different builds. Well, viola. Here's the change that would work for Sunsinger.
So we make a perk a waste instead of making other perks better? That seems like an awful idea
I'll correct that for you bud: [quote] So we make a perk a waste in my eyes. [/quote] Free of charge this time mate. Anyway, "make a perk a waste" is quite the strong sentence. Considering everybody likes using it as it stands now, they just need to adapt slightly. Its not like we're changing anything about the perk. Just when the perk is active. And, if you're on about wasted perks, go look at Defender. Go look at Sunbreaker. Go look at Voidwalker and Nightstalker. Every class has its share of "wasted perks", or in real terms, less desirable than others. This change would not make this one useless. It, again, would promote using the super instead of saving it. You say the class is all neutral game based though... when it could be so much more. [b]You[/b] make it neutral game based. Super based, it's still a very strong super when combined with Radiant Skin. Add other things such as HOTPF or The Ram, and you can become devastating.
You are making the perk useless out of super making it a huge change, small adaption is a massive understatment
When a class revolves around 2 perks, making one active 5% of the game or 0 when using tlaloc, is not a good way to go. The best option is reduce the time the burn is up but increase the damage and make the other perks in those trees better so players have to make and actual choice.