Pavel sets up a heavy machine gun, and covers the door.
"Why'd you bring him in?"
"You'll know momentarily..." [b]he walks out, a gun pointed to the dudes head[/b] "HEY, LISTEN UP DOUCHEBAGS. IF YOU WANT YOUR PRETTY LITTLE LEADER TO COME HOME WITHOUT HIS BRAINS IN MY STOMACH, I SUGGEST YOU LET US OUT, OR WE'LL YOU'LL PAY FOR OUR FREEDOM IN YOUR BLOOD." [b]he readies to fight, the handgun ready to fire and his sword at the ready as he walks out of the armory, he plans to jump into the vents and wreak havoc amongst the soliders, giving others time to run[/b]
The soldiers rush them trying to free their leader.
[b]he mercilously mows through the hordes of them, U first blowing out the dudes brain with a red Glock .45, for some reason leaving strange red cysts on his head. He fires and cuts through the hordes of soliders before they can draw a weapon[/b] "PAVEL GET YER ASS OUTTA HERE, THESE PEOPLE NEED A LEADER." [b]he chased after the survivors, pushing them back, giving pavel an escape route pretty much out the front door[/b]
Pavel lead the others out, firing at guards trying to flank the man.
[b]he laughs unnaturally hard, like a psychopath as we throws thermite grenades into the hordes and hordes of them, easily breaking some conventions[/b]