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2/24/2016 5:04:54 AM

Exotic History: Desperado's Piece #2

[spoiler]This installment of Exotic History is made possible by TexasProud28[/spoiler] Lewis stared out the cockpit of the ship in dead silence as the apocalyptic landscape of the Cosmodrome roared by at Mach speed. Pete had stayed low to the ground in order to stay on course and they had several dozen run-ins with Fallen houses during the ride, almost losing an engine which slowed them down significantly. Lewis leaned his head against the plexiglass and glanced down at his gun that he still held in his hand. He ran his thumb over the very worn engraving along the side of the barrel, trying to remember what it said, but the words escaped him just like the memories did. He took a long slow sigh as he tuned back into reality to listen to Pete chatting to himself. "... and there was this HUGE explosion and went all like BOOM! And Fallen were screaming like 'Crap crap that hurts!' And the Guardians were all like 'F*** yea! How's that for an explosion?!' And the Fallen ran away and it was cool and everything! I was there, seriously I was!" He spun slightly in his place to look at Lewis. "You believe me right?" "I have no reason not too." Lewis continued to look out of the cockpit. "Really?! Cool! I really was there! But no one believes me cause they are all like 'Your just a Ghost with no Guardian you can't be in battle.' And that's not true cause I was looking for one and I found you! Not exactly what I expected but it's so cool! Atleast you are nice to me." "No one else is?" Pete fell silent for a moment. "Well sometimes... But not often. I don't know why but people don't like me... They say I'm 'too young and annoying.'" He turned back forward and was quiet as he piloted the ship forward. "Well you do talk a lot for someone of your size." "The people aways say that you should be yourself when making friends." "Who now?" Pete scanned the dash infront of Lewis and a worn out book appeared. The cover was a gentle blue and the words 'The Words With Which To Speak' shone a dull silver as Lewis gently opened the book and thumbed through a few pages. It was a book on the practice of friendship and how to approach others. Lewis grunted a little and shut the book. "I've tried many times and it works for a bit but then everyone leaves... and they don't come back..." Pete leaned forward slightly like he was hanging his head. Lewis glanced at Pete for a little bit then out to the landscape again. The ride was eerily quiet for another dozens seconds before Pete perked back up. "We are almost to the Last City!" "Uh huh." "Its really cool! There's a lot of people living there and it's really big! But not as big as the Traveler, he's REALLY big and watches over us!" "Huh." "Yea! And we celebrate festivals and all that stuff and... OH OH! There He is!!" Pete spun his shell and pointed forward. Lewis glanced to see a large white orb suspended in the air above a massive grey and tattered wall. He rolled his head slightly and sat up. "Well good." "Its gonna be so much fun! You will get to see Amanda Holliday first! She's a mechanic!" "Huh." "Yea! She's really good at it! She fixes up all of the stuff anyone brea.... Oh... She's gonna be mad at us..." "Why?" Lewis slid his piece into the jet black embroidered 'holster' that Pete created for him. "Cause the Fallen damaged the ship..." "Well it happens, things break." "Still, she may get really mad..." "So? It's not a problem." "Yea it is..." "Stop worrying. There's not much you can do anyway." Pete nodded slightly. "Yea... it was just an accident..." Lewis nodded a bit and watched as the City drew closer to them. Pete pulled the ship up slightly and they flew over top the buildings for a bit, encircling the Traveler as they went. He watched the broken sphere closely during that time and kept it inside until they managed to dock into the hangers of the Tower shortly afterwards. Pete powered the craft down and opened the hatch and sighed. "Well... welcome to the Tower! Our home!" He seemed to perk up a little as Lewis climbed out, refusing to be beamed out of the ship again. "It's really pretty during spring time cause the trees go into bloom! And and there are more people around the Tower to talk to. Oh and there's lots of things to do!! Like talking and getting bounties and shopping and relaxing and..." The two made there way to the staircase leading up as the vessel dissapeared into the ground behind them. Thank you all for tuning in! Since I really want this to be a Community thing I would really enjoy getting exotics from you guys and creating back stories for them! In order to do this all you have to do is create an exotic on my friends Exotic page (listed above) and in a spoiler have a hashtag, (#writemyexotichistory), I look their frequently so have a go! Please! And if your creativity is stiffled (or you just don't want to), give me your opinion on what to do for the next installment of Exotic History while I work out my next entry. Post your opinions in the comments below and if these don't suit your fancy there is always an ENTIRE list to browse and choose from so give it a go!! Until then stay within the Light Guardians and be careful of everything that can kill you twice as fast link to part 1 link to Desperado's Piece

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