So we make a perk a waste instead of making other perks better? That seems like an awful idea
I'll correct that for you bud: [quote] So we make a perk a waste in my eyes. [/quote] Free of charge this time mate. Anyway, "make a perk a waste" is quite the strong sentence. Considering everybody likes using it as it stands now, they just need to adapt slightly. Its not like we're changing anything about the perk. Just when the perk is active. And, if you're on about wasted perks, go look at Defender. Go look at Sunbreaker. Go look at Voidwalker and Nightstalker. Every class has its share of "wasted perks", or in real terms, less desirable than others. This change would not make this one useless. It, again, would promote using the super instead of saving it. You say the class is all neutral game based though... when it could be so much more. [b]You[/b] make it neutral game based. Super based, it's still a very strong super when combined with Radiant Skin. Add other things such as HOTPF or The Ram, and you can become devastating.
You are making the perk useless out of super making it a huge change, small adaption is a massive understatment
When a class revolves around 2 perks, making one active 5% of the game or 0 when using tlaloc, is not a good way to go. The best option is reduce the time the burn is up but increase the damage and make the other perks in those trees better so players have to make and actual choice.