[b]He finds every single table inside the mess hall has pies,trays of tarts and cookies, even cake[/b]
[b][i]He looks around for whoever made them, heading to the kitchen first.[/i][/b]
[b]there was man wearing a butlers attire inside crouching next to a wine rack, a puffy white tail sticks out of his jacket wagging with excitement[/b]
"I'll assume you made this?" He says, behind the person.
You sound familiar
"Does Fireteam Axion ring a bell? Akkar, Cephalon, Lethal, Murph, any of those names?"
Yeah [b]He stood up holding a wine bottle and turned around, there was a black and red collar around his neck with a ace of spades charm dangling by a small chain, there's a small name plate riveted to the surface with three names on it[/b] [i]Kurai,Lethal,Lucifer[/i]
"Huh. All those names are familiar."
There's a reason I'm wearing the collar
"No. You aren't Lethal. Lethal was a huge ass robot dude or something."
Python was the huge robot. I was the one that liked running around as a lovable bundle of fur
"Right. Noooowww I remember. Or at least I think. You remember Akkar, right?"
Yes and I feel insulted that you forgot me
"Hey, I've been drifting for a bit, and I think I hit an asteroid or two. I've got a bit of memory loss."
You'll be forgiven this time but don't expect mercy
"I don't. Learned that when mercs ripped the soul out of my body and kept me as a trophy."
Do you hear something? [b]the quiet scratching of claws is heard in the mess hall[/b] Oh great...more sibling rivalries
"Should I get rid of them? Or just delay?" He says, a fireball in his hand
Leave them be. Tiberius will get his ass handed to him by his sister and come running to me any minute
"Then I'm going to sit back, laugh and have a pie of that's alright with you."
Alright just don't touch Lady. She's easily offended by it of you aren't given permission by her
"So, do I eat pie or not?"
You can eat pie but they can't [b]walks over to an oven and pulls out a tray of peanut butter chunks[/b]
[b][b]He grabs the nearest one.[/b][/b] "Damn. Apple pie. Can't ask for much better"
[b]he sees 2 large canines run by and start fighting[/b]
[b][i]He sits, watching.[/i][/b]