Players in the Destiny community are struggling to reach the Lighthouse even once in Trials of Osiris. Myself and my friend have faced trials every week since it began in Year 2 and we have never reached the Lighthouse ourselves.
[b]OPTION A[/b]
I am proposing to level the playing field more accurately any fireteam with 2 or more players who have gone flawless in Year 2 are automatically entered into a pool of 'flawless' fireteams. However if a player has not been flawless on the character they are playing at on the time, they are not considered flawless. I believe this would greatly shift the balance to where it should be, rather than a first-time fireteam facing a fireteam of 3 flawless players with Adept weaponry and advanced trials gear. To increase the incentive for flawless fireteams to continue playing I would suggest increasing the probability of items being rewarded at the end of the game and increasing their light level to 318-320.
[b]OPTION B[/b]
By popular demand I would like to also suggest an alternative. If a player achieves flawless that week they can compete in an flawless pool for that character for the rest of the week.
"Carrying" will be less commonplace and Trials of Osiris will be based more on competitiveness.
Members of the Destiny community who offer carrying services for payment will now find it much harder to continue.
Opening up the possibility of a true Trial for being the best by putting up repeatedly flawless champion teams against each other rather than allowing them a cake-walk each week put up against lesser players.
Thank you all for your input. Please remember to keep your comments civil and polite.
[b]Edit:[/b] Many people have replied to this poll/suggestion with immature and frankly irrelevant sarcasm. If your going to be salty that I made this, comment it elsewhere because this is a serious suggestion for Bungie.
I think the issue is more in the meta. It was easy to go flawless in Y1, but now it actually takes quite a bit of effort. Honestly, in my opinion Trials doesn't belong in the game the way it is currently set up and crucible needs a complete overhaul before it is ready for a Trials style competitive game type.