"Only need like, four to move; The others can be potentially sharpened weapons, and possibly good defence."
"Or you could stick with one set of legs."
"Meh, I personally prefer this idea. Plus, you seen how fast those damned spiders move? If they were our size..."
He shudders. "It's your decision I suppose."
"Aye. So, what's been going on with you since the arena?"
"I've been busy with things. Retrofitting the ship's defenses, and the like."
"Ah, what'd you add on?"
"The federation has been experimenting with hard light, I upgraded the cannons and interior turrets to fire it. An almost infinite supply of ammo, hard to deflect, deals damage to shields and hull equally."
"Aye, I like the idea." [b][i]She says, a holographic 1911 forming in her hand. [/i][/b]"I should get back to training, it was good talking."
He nods. And returns to his weapons. He stays and tests the new gear before packing up and leaving.