[b]My thoughts and on this, and why I want it (You can skip this part if you don't want to read it (but it tells you an insight on why I want it))[/b]
[b]TLDR: Well, you should read the post. But, I think this game mode would be a load of fun and here's why (Down below) (How it should work).[/b]
I don't about you guys but I absolutely loved S&D in COD games (Probably the only game mode I loved) because of all the laughs I have playing with friends, the objective, and every aspect of the game mode in general. When Trials of Orisis were first announced. I was super happy because it was the closest feeling to the fun I had playing PvP in BO2 and such.
You guys might be sceptical at first because of PvP's current state but I think it would be really fun so hear me out :)
[b]How it would work[/b] [u][/u]
1) No revives except for Fireborn (Maybe only one can self-revive per round per team? Or else maybe no supers? I don't know but please tell me your opinions on that)
2)The only two ways to win while on the [u]attach side[/u]:[b] Plant the bomb and it detonates or kill the enemy team[/b]. The only two ways to win while on the [u]defence side[/u]: [b]Defuse the bomb before it explodes (If it gets planted of course) or kill the enemy team[/b].
3) Defender and Attackers [b]will switch every round[/b] (Bungie!). There will be two objectives for either to is defended upon or be attacked upon.
4) Not sure how many rounds would be ideal for Destiny but I think four might be good enough (But it should be able you to get your super once during the game, so I don't know how many rounds would work for say. So let me know what you think)
5) Bombs will work the same way in COD, so it takes around 10 seconds to plant or defuse the bomb. You will lose the round if you don't get in that 10-second range whether you to try to plant or defuse (Killing the enemy team can also get you that round win)
Radar: (Tell me your opinions on this) Only should ping (Not a pie radar, but something like the hunter's keen scout where you can see a dot if you targeted an opponent) when the enemy has shot his gun or when the enemy used a super (Activation only, not tracking the roaming super). Hmm could use more mechanics and work but tell me your thought on this (BTW it's just for this game mode) (Could be cool if Bungie has found a way to revise the radar in trials after testing out this radar)
[b]Could use some work so share your opinions and if it's well said and up-voted then I will revise the concept of the thing you wanted to change.[/b]
Please, this is a work-in-progress idea, so share your opinions. Leave a Up-vote if you agree or even a bump. Anything to help make this a reality.
Good idea but there couldn't be any supers if you wanted to make it fair. Otherwise everyone will just run self rez