I had my best destiny game yet last night. I played a game and went 31-8, then I invited the top player on my team and ended up joining his fireteam of 3 (all level 24 or lower) my next match I went 36-4, I got 2 phantom medals, and finally got my very first We ran out of medals.
I did this on thieves den with Atheons epilogue, plan c, and corrective measure.
What was your best game? Or your best crucible memory? What's your favorite/best load out?
Edit: Fixed spelling errors
I certainly can't/haven't put up those kinds of numbers, but I had my best match ever as far as KD and combat rating just yesterday in IB. Joined in progress to Blind Watch and proceeded to finish with a win in second with 14 kills (leader had 16), 14KD, 7 precision kills, and a CR of 151. I'm not a great PVP player so I really got a kick out of seeing those numbers