[u]If you could be your destiny character in real life, what would be the first thing you do? And the next thing? Share your ideas!
[b]I'll mark the answer for the best one![/b]
*Edit 1- you guys are doing great! keep going!
*Edit 2- Over 50 Replies! Get creative!!!
*Edit-3-Wow! I have seen some really good short ones! Hint- I like those a lot!
*Edit 4- I'm not sure how, but I am so happy this has spread! Close to 200 comments!!! I saw a good one, it was "I'd make a sandwich." It was short, funny, and stupid. It made me chuckle. Do something clever! You might win!
*Sheesh! So many comments! I have an idea. Press the ^ arrow next to someones post if you would like to bring it to my attention!
[b]I'm picking a winner in 24 hours![/b]
Jump off the tower to see whats really down there!
Double jump
I'd definitely be my Titan. Shoulder charge, fist of havoc, bubbles to keep people safe, throwing exploding hammers!!! First thing I'd do is take my sparrow across the ocean to help the armed forces in the Middle East. I'd amaze them with my death from above tactic. Shoulder charge that bad guy, this bad guy, etc... Would be sooooooo much fun. Not to mention being able to jump about 40 ft in the air..... That would be great.
Edited by The_Moustache: 2/26/2016 6:48:00 AM1.) Go to nearest College 2.) Find women's locker room 3.) Hide and crouch 4.) Turn invisible 5.) ?????? 6.) Profit! Someone was going to say it.
Hop on my sparrow and drive down the highway and wave as people gawk at me ;)
Whole lot of masturbating
Blink of course and space magic! Nova bomb for dayz son.
Kill myself cause I don't get any loot
As a Warlock? Summon the Traveler, call myself the speaker, then start Destiny on Earth-1
Step 1: become YouTube famous for using a gopro and killing Isis with it on. Step 2: sparrow everywhere. Step 3: make destiny nerds have heart attacks from seeing me. Step 4: fly in space with my skolas ship.
Get a new wardrobe
I'd go kill atheon. If I could make my guardian real, I would marry that sexy huntress~ That's the nerdiest thing I've said and I hate myself for it. :^)
I'd strut mah stuff looking frabjous. Or let people shoot in the face for twenty bucks. [spoiler]Depending on my class[/spoiler]
Invisibility all the time! And sparrow riding... Soooo much sparrow riding
I'd jump on top of trees just to make people think wtf
Use my g/horn to blow up those Isis goat -blam!-ers.
I'd get in my ship and fly into the sun. #NoFaith4HumanityAnymore
Do stupid things like jump off a cliff, only to have my ghost revive me
Main: human warlock First, I'd never take the stairs again (gotta love movement abilities). Would take some time to get use to blink. Then, I'd probably find some non-combat uses for my abilities (cook food in my hand as a sunsinger anyone? Never need a microwave again!). Though having a ghost would also be awesome. Always wanted something like that. I'd also try to figure out how my abilities worked (warlock after all).
Kill you all.
I'd kill myself. Then self Rez! I don't care if I have a hunter main. Warlocks FTW!
Beat up my brother
Kill myself just to see how it feels, then come back and do it again. Afterword, become the best assassin ever, because the last person you'd expect to kill you is the one you just killed.
Play with my boobs. Because I'd be a girl.
Since all my characters are female I'd just play with my fingers