originally posted in:Community Carnage
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On [b]Saturday[/b] [b]2/27/16[/b] The Community Carnage will be inviting #Gaming to play [b]Halo 5[/b] at [b]5PM Pacific Standard Time[/b]! [url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html]Convert that time![/url] Been a long time since I've hosted a Game Night, and I plan to make this one great, so sign up! We'll be playing Customs most of the time, and if numbers permit, probably a little Warzone. As always, I will be posting a recap of the night after the events have concluded.
[b]Do you want to play?[/b]
[spoiler]To sign-up, please post your Xbox Gamertag in a comment below! Lobbies fill up quickly so reserve your spot ASAP![/spoiler]
[b] What if I RSVP but life happens and I can't make it? [/b]
[spoiler] Please send a PM to Mechetti so he can remove you from the lobby and open a spot for another member. This is especially important with hosts![/spoiler]
As of right now, there is only one lobby, hosted by myself. But, if there is an overflow of participants, a second lobby and host may be required.
[spoiler]Lobby 1:
1. Mechetti, GT: Mechetti VII
2. Dango, GT: The Dango Song
3. Yung Ginger, GT: GingerlyWalnut3
4. Double D, GT: S1R DOUBLE D
5. CabooseSenpai, GT: CabooseSenpai
6. Lethenza, GT: SilentWolf2226
7. HyacinthErmine2, GT: HyacinthErmine2
8. McNoob, GT: McNoobthefirst
9. Chips Dubbo, GT: CorporalWings0
10. Dolphinizer, GT: The Dolphinizer
11. StarK of Olaphis, GT: Starkiller249
12. Pureey, GT: Pureeey
13. WortWortWarthog, GT: WortWortWarthog
14. Zonda, GT: Zonda1996
15. Based Blonic, GT: Divine Thunder2
16. Darth Malgus, GT: Generaltrevor01
2. BMO, BMO 506
I could always use some more custom games, so please PM me if you have any. Also, have a Twitch? We need some streamers. Comment if you can.
As an end note, make sure you've installed the new [url=https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/updates/hammer-storm]Hammer Storm[/url] update before Saturday!