Backstab is broken. For those of you unaware of this it is a perk on the bladedancer that will allow you to OHK if you blink strike them in the back.
This sounds great like assassination in Halo it without the cool animation so you try it out. You find it is very hard to get to to proc however as not all to many assassination situations occur in destiny. Cough Radar. But you finilly get the situation and totally wreck this noob with your mele (granted you could of just shot him).
You then procede to play a few more games with the perk and you come up on a Titan. You are very close and you end up blink striking him in the side when he has full health. Backstab procs and you get the kill.
Then when blink strike is charged again you come up on a warlock shotgun bing at you and you hit her directly in the chest with blink strike. Backstab procs. You get the kill. You then come up on the same Titan and hit him directly in the back with blink strike. No backstab. Titan turns around and fist of panics you.
This is how broken the perk is. I main a bladedancer and always run this perk because of the insanity of one hit kills to the chest. Plz fix bungie. It is just too broken.
[spoiler]Not asking for a nerf. Wanting them to fix the perk[/spoiler]
Edit: Apperantly I am getting an issue where people can't view my characters. Any advice on fixing. Gone to privacy settings and that didn't work.
I always use backstab. It always works. How bout u have a hunter and actually use it