Eleif sits in the lounge of the living deck, she and a few of her fellow crew are watching [i]Aliens[/i]. She sips melon soda as she watched the film unfold infront of her, excitement and enjoyment being clear on her face and evident on the occasional twitch of an arm or a leg. She's seen this film tens if not hundreds of times, she never got tired of it.
'Get away from her you bitch' she silently says in unison with the film. [i]Damn I love this part.[/i]
Edited by SilverPulse620: 2/27/2016 4:25:52 PM*she sees Silver take a seat next to her, watching the movie with a bowl of popcorn on his lap and wearing his new Mark 8 armor "At last. I've been meaning to watch this again for years."-Silver(quietly to himself)
[b]She hears someone approach[/b] How do you love something that isn't real?
She raises a brow at hearing the question. "What ever do you mean?"
I don't think the movie is entertaining and it's impossible to love it
She shrugs. "To each his own no?" she eats a handful of popcorn.
How the hell do you manage to watch it so many times and still enjoy it? [b]3 sets of quiet patter from paws is approaching [/b]
"And just how do you know how many times I've seen this" She turns her attention to the pattering.
It's hard to miss when someone knows every line [b]it was 3 canines: one grey,one white and the last was black with a grey patch on the left eye[/b] The grey one is Tiberius,white is Karma and the last is Lady
She can barely contain her excitement at seeing the dogs. "Can I pet them?"
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 2/27/2016 4:31:34 PMTiberius is a lover, Lady is well a lady
[b][i]Cephalon walks in.[/i][/b] "Damn. I remember this when it first came out."
"What do you mean when it first came out?"
"The movie. It's been a hella long time."
"Well yes, but if you were around when it came out that would mean you were alive during the 20th century, how would that be possible?"
"I wasn't always a bot. I can still remember having flesh and blood. Stupid soul sucking mercs."
Fascination shows across her face. "You have to tell me! Tell me about that time. Did people really drive around on steel cars with rubber wheels and combustible fuel?"
[b][i]He laughs.[/i][/b] "I've been hit by enough to tell you that was true."
"But that's insane! I mean gas explodes, people must have really lived on the edge back then"
"No, it was pretty safe. Then again, when your experimented on as a child, given pyrokenisis, and escape said military lab, becoming a merc, you miss out on some of normal society."
"Is that what happened to you? Still, you're like thousands of years old! Like a vampire!"
"Nah. I was killed, had my soul put into his robot."
[b]Aleks runs past her at around 15 mps. She can barely see any details besides a bra which is sitting on his head like a pair of cat ears, and a pair of panties which he's wearing like Bane's mask. [/b]
[b]Angela sits in the back of the room.[/b] "I love this movie"
"I knooow. If only something like this would happen on this sh-, Actually probably not"
"It would be fun to fight carnivorus man eating, face hugging, chest exploding aliens" [b]she says in a sarcastic tone[/b]