Eleif sits in the lounge of the living deck, she and a few of her fellow crew are watching [i]Aliens[/i]. She sips melon soda as she watched the film unfold infront of her, excitement and enjoyment being clear on her face and evident on the occasional twitch of an arm or a leg. She's seen this film tens if not hundreds of times, she never got tired of it.
'Get away from her you bitch' she silently says in unison with the film. [i]Damn I love this part.[/i]
"Sure thing. Can we watch Clerks already?"
"Aye" She places the movie in and looks the the box for a moment. "It's the one with the sideways triangle right? Right" The film begins
After an hour and a half, Dahlia is rolling on her sides in laughter, especially when Derek talks about his cousin sucking his chief and breaking his neck and spine, and when Silent Bob and Jay break out in dance.
"This is amazing!" She says as she finishes up her drink.
"Man, when Dante's girlfriend has sex with the dead guy in the stalls... That's [b]amazing.[/b]" The credits of the movie slowly pan up, and the VHS pops out.
[b]wheatley watches with his head poking out of a vent he drops a sack of popcorn on the seat next to her, somehow landing so it won't spill.[/b]
She turns at the sudden bag next to her that dropped from the ceiling. She looks up and notices Wheatly. "Thanks" She silently mouths before turning back to the film.
"No prob" [b]he mouths before continuing to watch before he falls out of the vent[/b]
Edited by TooFastForPat: 2/27/2016 5:25:45 AMMost people in the room shriek and turn in surprise at the sound of something falling from the vents, the film's made them a bit jumpy.
[b]he looks around, frightened and draws a withered and beaten sword, realizing no one is a threat he slowly sheathes it and sits next to elief, he wispers [/b] "Hey. You guys want anything? I got pretty much unlimited access to the food stock."