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Edited by The Ham: 3/4/2016 2:07:32 AM

Reveal your true self

The Ham would like everyone to stop playing their gimmicks and ways for just a Moment to show their real selves. He will will start.... For starts, Im a 16 year old male. I'm fluent in English and French, and I am taking Calculus. That is in fact a picture of me. I am extremely underweight despite being under the alias of The Ham. By that I mean I'm only 134 pounds. 134 and 6 ft 4. I'm American and proud of it, and I hope to become an engineer. I play Soccer and I'm pretty good at it IMO. I'm quite frankly socially awkward and an introvert. My grades are decent. I have yet to achieve my license and don't plan to anytime soon. I'm fine not being able to drive. For now. My IQ is a fine 132, tested by a phycologist. Take the time to post an actual selfie of your actual self and reveal your true colors. This is an opportunity for all of us to come out from the shadows and share our traits and personalities. This helped me with stress, and I'm sure it will for you all too. Edit: Link to proof selfie for those who don't believe that is actually a pic of The Ham. Edit 2: Made Trending. Shout out to McAllieJoy for fighting through cancer! May you have the best of Luck! Edit 3: Definitely my most popular thread thus far. There are a lot more teens than expected! A total of 1607 comments and replies, minus 19 of my own!

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  • Bump

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    • Well this died fast lol

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    • I'm a fox

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      1 Reply
      • I'm 32. I'm a gynecologist. I am 6'1 and I weigh about 225 lbs. I refuse to post a picture of myself because I'm a very private person. I play the viola. I hate all socialists and commies.

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      • Edited by Abyss Watcher: 3/19/2016 4:52:11 PM
        [b] [/b] Ready for the big reveal!?

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      • I'm too ugl for this shit

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        • Never.

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        • Edited by EnemyNotFound: 3/19/2016 4:21:15 PM
          I would, but: > Don't know how to post pictures > I'm ugly as fuсk All you need to know me by is my red Mk. V [B] armor.

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        • Edited by kaaSnipes: 3/6/2016 2:24:01 AM
          Why is there never any hot guys on these selfie threads? :/ EDIT: So many insecure guys. Good gosh. :s

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          68 Replies
          • Edited by Alice is Poshy: 3/1/2016 5:32:54 AM
            My name is Alice and I am 15. I am half Asian and half German. I was born in Germany, but moved to the United States at the age of 11. My first Xbox game was Halo Reach. I can speak 3 languages fluently and currently learning a new one. I attend a public high school and run cross country. I am an aspiring journalist for the New York Times. I hope that I can get into Columbia University someday. I also love McDonald's and Taco Bell. The stories on Reddit NoSleep are pretty entertaining. Laugh at me when I was in 7th grade [url=]link[/url]

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            72 Replies
            • Im lazy.... Somebody type about my life lol

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              4 Replies
              • Edited by MurderElf: 3/23/2016 11:50:46 PM
                herro human beans \(•_•)/ i live in europe and i'm currently a uni-student. i don't really know what i'm doing with my life, tbh (>.<) i love animals, mostly cats, and i plan to be a fulltime catlady with a 100 cats when i "grow up" (•_•) music is important and rock music is what i listen to the most. also, i'll probably regret this later ( ._.) [spoiler][b] [/b][/spoiler]

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                103 Replies
                • I love how only like 5% of bnet is female, be 85% of the people on this thread are. Shows the general mentality of the grils here.

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                  • bump

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                  • I'm 17, got my license and a Chrysler 200 S, I've played piano for about 10-11 years now, did martial arts for like 9 years, got somewhere around a 3.5-3.9 GPA overall, am dual-enrolled, 140 lbs and 5'6", so if they're making another LOTR movie I think I could cast as a hobbit fosho. [url]] So this pic makes me look high, fat, and pretty much shows how damn ugly I am; perfect for this cesspool site.

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                  • Edited by Edge Lawbringer: 6/25/2016 3:58:50 AM

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                  • 2

                    Bramd - old

                    Still don't have much of a legacy, but I was able to get a few keks with this

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by The Cheezweel: 3/8/2016 4:12:49 AM
                      This is mah. [spoiler][b][i]Yes I know I'm ugly.[/i][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler][b][i]I forgot this part XD 15 5'7 124 pounds Aaaaand I can't wait to move to Texas. That's all. \(•_•)/[/i][/b][/spoiler][spoiler][b][i]I actually broke 100 replies...[/i][/b][/spoiler]

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                      128 Replies
                      • I don't really hide anything here. With that in mind it's no suprise to say. Hi, I'm Nix. Alex is my irl name short for Alexandra. I'm 24, I'm 5"8. I am pretty chubby, couldn't telly you my exact weight... there are no scales in my house. My eyes don't have a set colour, neither does my hair really. I was a natural blond, I genuinely stick to red but I've been all the colours. The only constant way to know pictures are of me is my nose. I have a massive/distinctive nose. I live with Newbeski whom sometimes posts here, but he often just lurks. If there is anything you ever want or feel the need to know, you can always ask. ^^

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                        22 Replies
                        • >14 >ugly af >cringey af >no skills or abilities >cringey af [spoiler]not much else to say here -- not even a punchline [/spoiler]

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                          • Edited by LowIQPlayz3445: 3/16/2016 10:27:15 AM
                            Heya. I'm Jay. Currently 19, 6' 3", 200 lbs, and am in the midst of moving to stay with my grandparents in the hopes of furthering my pursuit in a law enforcement career. I'm native to Washington State and must say I have little interest in leaving. I spend most of my time at college or with friends, unless of course I'm on here or playing video games. I just recently got out of a shit relationship, so that happened. I'm also currently looking forward to going to Sakura-Con in Seattle in the near future, so if you're planning on attending as well we could bump into each other.

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                          • I'm a anthropomorphic male tiger stripper.

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                            • Life is precious, and suicide is a serious issue to be handled by licensed professionals. Bungie employees and forum moderators are not trained to handle those in a suicidal crisis; please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You may also wish to contact any of the following crisis prevention resources: US: UK: Canada: International Directory: Military Crisis Line: Active duty, Guard and reserve service members, their families and friends stateside and in Europe have 24/7 access to the Military Crisis Line at no cost. For crisis support, those in the U.S. call 800-273-8255, then press 1. Callers in Europe dial 00800-1273-8255 or DSN 118. The toll-free service in Europe may not be available through all carriers or in all countries. Military One Source Toll Free Number: 800-342-9647 Military One Source Crisis Prevention:

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                            • Edited by Buttered Popcorn: 3/15/2016 5:22:31 AM

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                              • Edited by Sandy DxD: 3/15/2016 7:31:31 AM

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