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Edited by The Ham: 3/4/2016 2:07:32 AM

Reveal your true self

The Ham would like everyone to stop playing their gimmicks and ways for just a Moment to show their real selves. He will will start.... For starts, Im a 16 year old male. I'm fluent in English and French, and I am taking Calculus. That is in fact a picture of me. I am extremely underweight despite being under the alias of The Ham. By that I mean I'm only 134 pounds. 134 and 6 ft 4. I'm American and proud of it, and I hope to become an engineer. I play Soccer and I'm pretty good at it IMO. I'm quite frankly socially awkward and an introvert. My grades are decent. I have yet to achieve my license and don't plan to anytime soon. I'm fine not being able to drive. For now. My IQ is a fine 132, tested by a phycologist. Take the time to post an actual selfie of your actual self and reveal your true colors. This is an opportunity for all of us to come out from the shadows and share our traits and personalities. This helped me with stress, and I'm sure it will for you all too. Edit: Link to proof selfie for those who don't believe that is actually a pic of The Ham. Edit 2: Made Trending. Shout out to McAllieJoy for fighting through cancer! May you have the best of Luck! Edit 3: Definitely my most popular thread thus far. There are a lot more teens than expected! A total of 1607 comments and replies, minus 19 of my own!

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    Bramd - old

    Be me Be Brandon. Be 14 Be in grief because friend (also 14) commit suicide Be thinking about life Be thinking if I should join him Be thinking of leaving a legacy. Be me Be my legacy, Bungie.

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    6 Replies
    • Not gonna post a selfie. I suck at math I'm 5'11" 16 Ride bikes (dirt jump/dh) Play a lot of bf4 I like music Bass heavy stuff is dank Marijuana is fun [spoiler]last thing is I have some severe depression as my friend calls it and have done some shit in the past couple months that are regrettable. [/spoiler]

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      • I'm a 27 year old from Seattle and have a PhD in theoretical physics from MIT.

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      • I'm ok with my appearance. I occasionally break my phone however

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        • Edited by Nightowl46: 3/3/2016 3:14:39 AM
          Close enough?

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        • Quite frankly don't want to do one of myself so here's this. My names gus I'm about 2 years old. I stand at about 2 ft on all fours legs and close to 5 ft on two legs. I weigh close too about 100 to 110 pounds not sure. I like to hog the bed and eat pringles. I also have a big head

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        • I'm a 25 year old general ledger accountant that recently got engaged. I was always that weird kid in the back, but learned to embrace it in 10th grade when I met someone as quirky as me. Throughout college I wore a silly red hat, and I kinda miss it. I would love to learn how to freerun, but will likely never get the full opportunity to do so. I used to program in Flash, but a project I was working on grew too large for my computer to handle, and eventually it collapsed upon itself; to this day I regret not finishing it, and its failure has prevented me from programming for years. I'm also fascinated by radio and would love to work for a station with the ultimate goal of having an hour long show on the weekends. I don't mind meeting new people, but it's often difficult to connect to the average person due to different hobbies and that I'm less of a talker and more of a "doer". However, I can chew peoples' ears off if I'm allowed to go off on a subject. I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood and don't plan on moving again. While I'm planning ahead for a family, deep down I'm afraid that I may not be a great parent because I don't have a confrontational nature (necessary for discipline). I was also mildly traumatized by the deaths of my Grandmother and dog because I was present, but it doesn't bother me as long as I don't dwell on them. Children's wind up music boxes also make me very sad for reasons I can't explain (to the point where I feel miserable for an entire day after hearing it). Eek...too much negativity... I have a Moral Code (that I used to deem troublesome in college) that I know helps me make the right decisions and prevent myself from making disastrous choices. I'm not religious and don't really believe in any spiritual entity, but I like to think I have an unspoken agreement with God that He will keep me safe so long as I'm good to other people (I always say I'm the luckiest person I know when it matters most). Ultimately, I'm a friendly entity that will try to help you in whatever way I can, and I'll also try to entertain you when given an opportunity. =)

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          • Edited by Potato: 3/3/2016 2:34:33 AM
   I am a miserable teenager, like everyone! I hate almost anyone that is "normal", while I can't live without lying I have thought about Suicide multiple times, without attempting it yet I am planning too become an artist in some way. And I can't tell the truth easily Edit: Forgot to say a couple of things I like Hentai, than porn And I am mainly gay, so...

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            • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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            • Edited by Eiknarf: 3/3/2016 1:56:40 AM
              Only because you asked nicely Ham. Have at it. Yes it's really me.

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            • Edited by Waverly Hazard: 3/3/2016 1:15:09 AM
              On my mac, will edit in selfie later. Anyway, my name's Marcus. I'm 15, and a [i]very[/i] awkward nerd. I am very quiet at times, which people mistake for anger, but really I am a heavy thinker. I want someone to call my own, but I'm too socially awkward atm. I'm known to be pretty immature at times, but the reason why I don't want to be mature is because the world can be so damn dark sometimes, and it's nice to make others smile. I am a full Filipino, and though my family expects me to be smart and all, I really have two goals: to do my best at anything I do, and to be there for everyone I care about. I'm obsessed with DC Comics and Star Wars.

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            • Plz dnt judge

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              • Edited by ChiknStrips: 3/3/2016 12:33:55 AM
                I'm ugly :c

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              • 6'4" 135?!??? Some one get him a sandwich

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                3 Replies
                • Hi I'm shadow. It's stylized shdw because shadow was taken. More people call me shadow than by my real name(which may be shadow) so I'll just call myself shadow. I am a very funny person and I'm always joking. Sometimes I'm serious but people assume I'm joking and I think it's funny. I have a special offbeat sense of humor. I don't take very many pictures of my self so imagine the sexiest person alive(Olivia Wilde) and slap a johnson on them. Secretly I'm kinda lonely sometimes and wish for some sort of human companionship. That's about all of my personality.

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                • Fein. There you go.

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                  100 Replies
                  • Heheh, I'm to ugly for this

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                    • I'm EPIC

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                    • I'm Chris, I don't really take pictures of my self so so much for seeing my face... I am a 20yo Black male who is 5'6, 163lbs, and not very talkative until you get me going. Some may call me emotionless but really i just have a hard time showing them (i sound like a stereotype from that). School wise I only do great in classes that actually interest me, likely the reason I've excelled in college compared to Highschool. My hobbies include writing, talking shit to my friends (we do this to each other a lot, it's all in fun), video games, basketball and soccer, lifting and anime. I try to treat people how i want to be treated (except when I'm shit talking my friends, but again, all in fun) and prefer to just stay chill about things. I'm not into arguing either. So yeah, that is my life story and don't lynch me.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Hello. My name is Tyler. I am a 17 year old boy that loves gaming, archery and running. My favorite colors are purple and red. Halo is one of my favorite games ever. [spoiler]I really don't know how else anyone wants me to describe myself.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Also, I am not going to put a picture up. I just don't care. If someone wants me to describe myself, I will. I don't think anyone will though lol.[/spoiler]

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                        • I try to be myself around here. My persona on here is like an exaggerated version of who I really am; I think that applies to many users. I love science and am currently working on my undergraduate degree. I work at a radio station as well as contract with some governmental and non-governmental organizations. Basically I get paid to go to concerts and hang out with musicians as well as piloting boats and SCUBA diving. Music and science are two of the things I'm most passionate about, so my jobs are absolutely amazing. My other passion, which I want to make a career in, is pharmacology, specifically neuropsychopharmacology which is a big fancy word for "how substances affect the mind (psychopharmacology) + how drugs influence/utilize neural mechanisms (neuropharmacology)." Basically I'm fascinated by how drugs do the things they do on a structural level as well as a subjective level, or how drugs fit into receptors or modulate ion channels as well as how and why drugs do the things they do and make you feel the way you do after taking them. I'm mainly interested in psychoactive substances, such as cannabis, opiates/opioids, benzodiazepines, psychedelics and dissociatives. So basically anything that can produce a subjective "high." I have a history of substance use (and some periods of substance abuse) and that has led me to become absolutely fascinated by the underlying mechanisms at work when drugs/substances alter the mind/cognition as well as the changes in cognition they produce. I'm also in a long-term relationship with my girlfriend, although I still get some action from my right hand from time to time, which girlfriend is totally cool with. But honestly, this girl is the one and I truly don't want to spend my life with anyone but her. Thankfully she feels the same way but even more so (or so she claims). Also, I hate selfies and have never taken one. I do not intend to start taking selfies now so I shall describe myself: 6' tall, brown/black/blonde-sun-stained hair that reaches a little lower than my shoulders, big bushy beard, about 160 pounds, a very slight beer gut and several scars from various misadventures. If anyone wants to talk about science in your man. And if you misrepresent or attempt to refute science on the forums, rest assured that I will find you and correct you and generally be a sarcastic ass while doing so. One final note: MrSpinklesWirth and I have been locked in battle for about 6 years now, although neither side has ever been in combat with the other. Think of it as a Flood Cold War. And I may or may not have been involved with The PETA Debacle back on Bungie.old that nearly forced Achronos to use The Nuclear Option on The Flood Forum and annihilate us all from The Great Server. Anything else? Just ask. I'm gonna go have a nice smoke and play some games.

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                        • Edited by Not A Synth : 3/2/2016 7:37:09 AM
                          I'll be leaving out a few details but here's the gist of it. My half spanish, half asian mother and white father had me twenty-two years ago. I grew up on Nintendo. I was a simple kid. Average grades, average looks, average... everything. Nothing interesting happened for many years, until I reached high school, where I made and broke several relationships with several girls. Each relationship I was so sure was the best I could do. I was so sure, every time, that they were the 'one' for me. It wasn't until Uni where I found out how love is supposed to be. That's where I found my wife-to-be. I've been living in Australia for about 7 years now, finishing up my final year of English Teaching in Uni. I'm already happily married though and am planning to have a child soon. Son or daughter, I'm happy with either. I think it's also worth mentioning I've been into photography since I was a kid. Pic related, it's my work. Albeit a bit old. I've gotten a better camera and took the same shot with the railings perfectly straight but I can't seem to find it.

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                        • Edited by mshamblam: 3/2/2016 7:27:14 AM
                          Might as well. I'm 20 years old (almost 21) 6'1" 193lbs and still gaining. Hobbies include playing vidya games (duh), lifting, and playing guitar. I'm about as opposite as most of the internet as someone can get. I'm a social butterfly and I not only like to listen to country music, I also like to play and sing it as well. I have a slight country accent and an extremely deep voice that, even though I'm getting bigger, still doesn't match my body. I enjoy playing basketball & American football but overall like all sports in general. I'm a pretty big partier and am always looking for a good time. This pic was taken back in July before a concert. If need be I can take a proof pic.

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                          6 Replies
                          • Suddenly the flood is 70% female

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                          • Im autistic

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                          • Edited by Ryan: 3/2/2016 5:34:18 PM
                            My name is Ryan. 5'10" 16 year old white male. I have. Divorced parents. I have strong German heritage. I spend most of my time playing video games. I love to draw, watch Netflix, and listen to music. Hardcore acdc fan. Currently learning how to play guitar because of angus. I have a small group of friends at school and a lot of online friends. I have pretty bad grades in school besides drawing class. Extremely shy irl but extremely confident online when meeting people. That's about it :)

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