Edit: Wow thank you guys for the awesome response hopefully this has a chance to be #MOTW worthy!
Edit: We made it to the creations page! #MOTW Can we do it? = P: Thank You!
Holy f*cken sh*t.....HOW?!??!
Not only did you launch that sucker across the map but you actually got to see what happens when it hits. [b] -blam!-in awesome![/b]
Haha these cross map novas never fail to impress me! Good job man
TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING! *boodeep boodeep*
That is sweet!
great job man ima try this in IB maybe pick up a 6er
Beautiful.....just beautiful. Just do a mic drop and walk out like a boss.
MOTW my vote, if it counts! BTW, hope you killed Titans for if they were Hunters, Fusion Nerf inbound!
That is the first cross map nova I have seen that we get to watch the impact. I'm sure there are others out there but holy crap that was crazy. Just another few feet and it would missed completely and went off the edge. Just ridiculous!
Read them like a book
Holy sh1t.
I love how you ran in to watch it take them out. That was the best.
What perks do you use on nova bomb?
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watch this if ya dont mind its a full team of 5 and not a nova bomb
Thanks assface now every warlock is going to do this
This reminds me of set grenades from COD back when COD was good.
Should be MoTW fosho. Awesome Nova.
Great move! How long did it take to find the right spot & angle?
This is absolutely insane! GG man!
Amazing! Someone needs to redub this with the Jim Ross treatment.