This is for anybody looking for more [b]Playstation 4[/b] players who play this game to squad up with. Playing ranked with randoms can be really annoying, so I've been looking for new people to add so I can always have people to play with. If interested leave a comment below for others or add my PSN [u]Scootz724[/u]
[i]My Favorite Operators:[/i]
Defense- Rook, Bandit, Frost
Offense- Blitz, Sledge, Thermite
Hey I have a group of four for ranked two platinums and two silvers were all good I sent you a friend request darkseid1370
TheTrollingBear I only really have time right now to play on weekends, but gold IV somewhere in the level 70's. We usually have a couple other people in our group playing, but not usually a full 5.
Hey man I'll definitely add you my psn is Generaltack. What's your rank? Not that it'll matter much to me