Tbh, I'm surprised multi team isn't a thing already. Yes, I know most of these games modes are from the Halo series
At this point I'd be happy with a glitch free, smooth running, fair connection. You don't build a house from the roof down, you start at the foundation, and the underlying foundation of this game is horribile on the pvp side. The matchmaking sucks ass The weapon balance is ass The class balance is ass The lag, the lag is the worst I've ever seen on an online game, it's truly horrific and bungie should be embarrassed at the mess they created, honestly. The rewards systems and leveling system....idk what to say about it, it's bad, not as bad as other things but bad lol The underlying mechanics are awesome The game is beautiful It is fun to play with friends I like the game But they really need to straighten out their shit if I'm going to buy anything from them again