So what would many of you consider a god roll for this, counter balance and persistence? Got mine on order for tomorrow! Game doesn't want to drop me a doctrine!
Probably Counterbalance, Braced Frame and Crowd Control. At least that's what I want.
I wanted Crowd Control but I've read it only last for two seconds.
Edited by Shagryn: 3/1/2016 1:22:41 PMIt's 15% for 3 seconds. There's really not much else in that tree that's useful anyway. Army of One maybe or Last Resort if you play a lot of 3v3. That tier on the Arminus is kind of weak.
Counterbalance and braced frame. The other perk doesn't matter.
Can't get that roll since both of those perks fall in the same column
No they don't. Unless it's different for this weapon, counter balance is usually the last column and braced frame would be one of the three in the middle.
Edited by Patriot1942: 3/1/2016 1:24:04 PMYou can get Braced Frame and Counterbalance, but not Counterbalance and Persistence I'd say Counterbalance and Army of One or Crowd Control is ideal
Oh, I didn't notice they said persistence haha. I had just woke up. In that case, you're correct.
It's all good! I've done that too