Yeah but let's not beat round the bush 90% of people who use the subclass in both PvE and PvP are using radiance.
And what's more fun radiant skin, chucking nova bombs or going Sith Lord?
I used to fall asleep running sunsigner on my old warlock, never again.
WRONG! Any good sunsunger will tell you Radiant Skin is the way to go. Self Rez is not a crutch. Its a [i]handicap[/i]. Easiest super to shutdown by far
And it's what everyone uses, (insert guardians name) has resurrected is far more common in crucible than a warlock coming round a corner throwing nades using radiant skin.
So? I dont understand why that bothers people. Let them run their inferior setups. Its easy to stop so whats the problem?
Never said it was a problem it's just a boring subclass to use.
When you complain about something then you strongly imply that there is a problem. If you really weren't bothered you'd have never brought up the falsehood that 90% of Singers use self-rez. As a Warlock (or any class) main, you should at least master your 3 subclasses. If you did, you'd understand that the Singer is actually the most flexible of the 3 when it comes to pvp builds. I find the stormcaller to be the weakest Neutral-wise thus its the most boring. Holding on to grenades and melee charges destroy any fluidity of the Stormcaller's neutral game. The Rain Lightning build (Perp Charge + Feedback + Claws) is so damn fun for pvp but really lackluster in pvp. Play your Singer dude. It calls for you. Run Starfire Protocall + VF + ToF and you'll be going toe-to-toe with other roaming supers. Firebolts against supers = a dead Singer. Fusions against supers = a lot of saved clips
It's all I see in crucible is sunsigners it may not be 90% but you can't deny it's a fact the majority run radiance. Getting butthurt over someone thinking a subclass is boring is truely sad. This is a video game I play it for fun, I'm not some tryhard treating a video game like it's life or death master your 3 subclasses this isn't karate kid lmao. I play this game for fun I wanna have fun, playing a sunsigner is as much fun as watching paint dry, that's my opinion on it. So move on and get over it.
I can deny it. [i]I do deny it[/i] I dont think you understand. [i]A majortiy of good Singers [/i] use Radiant Skin with the exception of Elimination and probably Salvage are the only two game types where Fireborn is useful. We dont care what 100 scrubs use. Scrubs are sheep. They cannot understand the nuances of the game. They follow trends. Fireborn is trendy. Now if you dont like to use it because its boring then thats fine. But your statement was "And I don't need a cheap insurance policy for when i die so haven't even bothered with sunsigner." so sounds like youre just following the hate trend. "cheap insurance policy for when i die so haven't even bothered with sunsigner." "so haven't even bothered with sunsigner." "so haven't even bothered with sunsigner." "so haven't even bothered with sunsigner." Obviously your knowledge of the class is lacking. But thats fine. Stormcaller is boring to me but thats my opinion (except yelling out ZZZAP! ZZZZZZAAAAP! ZAP! when Stormtrancing. Thats fun). But I at least [quote]bothered with the Stormcaller[/quote]
Hate trend lol I've hated the sunsigner subclass since yr1 when LFG groups where telling me to switch to it in VOG or they would kick me from the raid team. What good is a insurance policy during a hard raid when you are always seeing 'last guardian standing' standing on your screen. I've been playing this game since Day 1, don't question my knowledge on any class. My original warlock had the class maxed out and the new warlock has no use for it. I've always ran voidwalker in pvp doesn't matter what class you are using the majority of your kills are going to come with the weapon your wielding that will always determine your usefulness in pvp. The abilities of a class will make minor improvements if your good with them but the bottom line is it's how you wield your gun which will dictate your skill level in crucuble it's why always these nerf this class posts are so retarded. Bungie can nerf and buff the classes as much as they want the good players will still finish top and the bad players will still finish bottom and just look for something else to blame for there poor performance. And the new stormcaller subclass is great fun and much more use on a raid then a sunsigner since there is no bosses to be pushed over a edge.
Whatever you say homie but its obvious you're lacking in knowledge from the words you speak. The scrub mindset is still a scrub mindset. Not referring to you necessarily but to people like those scrubs who needed Sunsingers to run self rez only. Radiant Skin is a BEAST in raids. None of the other subclasses can revive so I play my Singer the same way. Radiant Skin is an orb factory while, (once again...) Fireborn is a [i]handicap[/i]. ESPECIALLY in PvE. Fireborn users die often because they can only use their super after they die as opposed to using it to [i]keep them alive[/i] like literally every other super. Y1 Nightfalls and Trials were really the niche for Fireborn Singers. Self Rez in raids is boring as hell. You are right about that. And those 12-yr-olds that used to kick us for not running Self Rez were and still are idiots. Scrubs like that used to kick hunters out of the Vault early on but you should already know that scrubs learn slowly, if at all. Don't worry about what others think but if you truly hate the Singer regardless then to each his own. There's just something truely satisfying about sticking a fusion to a fanatic to cure its permanent athlete's foot or sticking one right to a guardian's face then waving to him before it detonates. But the Stormcaller is the most fun in PvE. Its the only class in the game that can go an entire strike while barely firing a weapon with the right setup. Lightning for days. But its still boring in PvP.
Stats don't lie and mine clearly display that of someone knowledgable in the class the play. I boss the raids and don't need to use a shotgun as a primary to get a +KD.
LOL! My ELOs are better than yours damn near across the board. My 2nd character's medal score is almost as much as your first. My first character has over double your medal score... of all three of your characters COMBINED. COMBINED! KDs are deceptive kid. Yours hid your inexperience in the crucible so your argument is invalid. Good thing you looked up my stats or else i wouldn't have done the same and seen how much of a fraud you are. How about instead of camping in the back with a sniper, you go get those ability kills up kid. You never even went unbroken before. Gotta pop that cherry first before you debate me in the ways of the crucible kid
Look at the time frame of my warlock it's new dumbass, I've seen players with your kill count and there stats are far superior to yours in best game kills, KD and just overall in general that's what I'm referring to. I'm a casual PvP player and that's what my stats show and I'm a good casual PvP player Elo is a irrelevant stay for me cause I don't play enough crucible for it to be valid. While you are some average try hard who relies on a shotty lmao
Whatever you say PvE noob. I understand that fighting A.I.s are less taxing than fighting thinking humans so I'll hit you up if I decide to run a 290GhostFall this month
Haha completed more hard raids than you have raids junior, some people do struggle with activities that don't come with a respawn in 5 seconds option.
Haha well that was a decent comeback I'll give you that but I dont understand how you PvE players do it. Every raid that ever existed was buggier than a swamp in the summer at night. Teleporting Atheon, Crota walking inside and slaughtering people, relics not spawning, teleporting Ogres. I swear when I saw them Jesus Ogres that was it for my Kings Fall career At least in pvp you can leave a lobby or report terrible laggers. I dont think the report system works on Ogres...
True but there isn't anywhere else I can go to have a experience like the raids. I got fed up with the lag in crucible while I was working on getting decent at it. And there are plenty of other games to play when I need a pvp fix such as COD I actually prefer the crucible but at the end of the day COD may not be as much fun but it's error codes and lag free. And then there is titanfall which today is still my fave PvP shooter.
To each their own, I always enjoyed being a grenade whore, nova bombs I suck at throwing and tend to miss or kill myself, and storm trance is fun.
I enjoy the nova bomb especially in this current camping sniper META it's easy kills for me lol