Hmmm ok.... Well that's kind of specific, what's the chances of the Gunsmith bringing the right roll?
- There are 8 perks for each tree, in addition to the 3 different perks in the middle tree (Braced Frame, Smallbore, Rifled Barral). So 3x possibilities per week you have 8x8x3 which is 192 possibilities, but since you have 3 chances per week, there is a 1 in 64 chance for the ideal role. Correct me if my math is wrong
I'd argue that the third perk slot isn't all that important and doesn't really matter. The odds for at least a counterbalance braced frame roll is 8x3=24 variants. Three chances per week make it 1/8.
I agree with you to a point, but I'm OCD wear if it's not the exact rolls I want I don't go for it. I see it as a wasted perk and don't want that
Fair enough. That's why I picked up 3 orders so that I can take one that's not quite there and still hold out for the perfect one.
I did that too, but honestly there are no good rolls this week
Well then.... Okay but my other characters don't have it so does that 3x chance go away?
No because each week the gunsmith only has 3 options, regardless of character. But the chances are slightly higher since I proposed 2x perks that are good. However anything with Counterbalance and Braced fame will be adequate
Ok cool. Thanks a ton man