In my opinion the paleocontact auto is better then both yes it has a little slower rate of fire but over better stats and the roof is not that much of a difference
Stability=54 can be more with right roll
Magazine=57 can be more with field scout
So jn my opinion I take more impact and range for a little less Rof and it can hold its own against the doctrine just opinion though as everyone has there preferred gun
I have a Persistence fire with perfect balance Paleo. Very stable and good to use but it will NOT stand its own against a doctrine. Fun and different to use but not the Meta for a reason. Too slow TTK when going up against TLW and DoP.
I kill doctoring of passing all the time and you can't stand in front of a bullet but yeah close range bullet for bullets shoot out Dr and win cuz of the rate of fire
Minor correction before everyone goes ape shit over a mistake Field scout is reserve ammo now Gotta look for extended magazine
Yup my bad lol
Actually the righteous vii has better base stability, and the same range. My roll has hidden hand but the vendor roll is braced frame I think. Stability in the 80's.