Last time I did a thread that involved t-girls I notice that there was much confusion and misconceptions about the topic. I get the vibe that people felt that t-girls were simple males that look like girls. Some what like a cross dresser I suppose and they'd often talk about genetics. However, a huge part of understand the complexity of a sex change is understanding the difference between a normal male and a male that has undergone treatment of a sex change and how that actually alters the biology of the person. It's important to understand that genes may or may not activate depending on different factors.
For example, males have nipples yet males will never need them. The reason for this is that when humans form before birth the genetic code of every life before them is read in order. So, humans alter and change as the code is read. In our DNA we have the code for gills. Long ago at some distance point in the past our ancestors that we are directly related to in a very long line of generations had gills. However, when adaptions happened as a result of stress on the population new genetic code slowly was added that led to the development of lungs.
As humans and in fact as all mammals grow in the womb, they grow gills and then slowly they grow lungs. Because the gentic code wasn't written over the new code just nullifies the old code:
Example: You makes a command to turn left while writing a program but you cannot go back because you do not have a back space so to negate that you have to make a code that says "Sorry actually go back."
This is why males have nipples. Males are females first, but the extra coding then says "Okay you're male." The penis forms from the vagina. The nipples are just left over from the process because there was never pressure on the population to select genes that would say "Okay no nipples make those go away on males."
Anyway, females and males are not that different and part of sexual growth or "puberty" is brought on by sex hormones. If you take a males and treat them with the female sex hormone the body then follows the path of a female. I'd like to give a nice list of all the changes estrogen makes to the body.
-[b]Redistribution of body fat in a feminine pattern.
- Growth of the breasts, with accompanying enlargement of the nipples.
-Changes to androgenic (body) hair.
-Widening of the pelvis (in those who have not yet experienced epiphyseal byclosure).
-Thinning of the skin.
-Breast development (may need reconstructive surgery to reverse the effect)
-Decreased libido
-Redistribution of body fat (most of time)
-Reduced muscle development
-Various skin changes
-Significantly reduced and lightened body hair
-Change in body odor and sweat production
- Less prominence of veins
-Ocular changes
-Reduced gonadal "gonads" size
-The prostate shrinks.
-The bladder shrinks.
-The line that runs down the underside of the penis and down the middle of the scrotum, the peno-scrotal raphe (where the urogenital folds fused early in the womb), will darken.
-The hips will rotate slightly forward
-Hips will widen if taken before puberty
The results are impacted greatly if a person undergoes hormone treatment before puberty and will be indistinguishable from any other girl. Be aware that there is a difference between a t-girl and simply body who identifies will the opposite sex. I'm not in anyway claiming that people who identify with random objects are those objects. I am however trying to show that t-girls physiologically are more female than male and should be considered female.
If anything, all males were technically females at one point in time so the argument of "they were once so they always are" is an empty one at best. Their bodies are female bodies. Please keep in mind that each one of those points glosses over some complexity.
More importantly, what makes a person who they are? I would argue it's in your mind. You are who you are as a result of your brain. There have been studies done on the brains of males and on the brains of females and females do think differently than males. There is a difference. Now. What's interesting is that trans people think like the opposite sex. So if we're saying that people are who they are based on their mind and they have the brain of the opposite sex is it not logical to promote their body to conform to their mental sex? Just a thought.
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Dude, we get it. You like [i]girls[/i] with dicks, it's okay. You don't have to try and justify or rationalize it.