Other than the energy sword, I have to go with the Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle! Also known to humans as the plasma rifle.
Really? Huh. I always found them weak. I personally prefer Carbines.
Not when you hold two of them :)
Yeah, but then you have to manage the heat, and I just prefer having a set amount of ammo.
Makes sense, I also just love the aesthetic design
That, we agree on. The plasma rifle just looks so... Futuristic.
It's just so different from any thing you would see out of a human gun
Yeah. What's up with the Fuel Rod Cannon, though? I mean, what the hell? Who makes a gun that [i]bounces?[/i]
I always wondered about that XD, if you look at the gun, the plasma is at first contained in a glass case, which burst open after a few seconds of flight, it's the case that bounces, not the plasma
Ah. I see. [spoiler]I was making an RvB reference.[/spoiler]
Ah, in still on season 3, I love it so much
It's awesome. Just wait 'till you get to the Freelancer Saga.