We all had those games, the ones we spent our childhoods playing, trying to get that last level, that last missions done
What did you all grow up on?
My personal games I grew up on, where Metroid and Zelda
Yeah yeah, Nintendo sucks, blah blah blah
But I loved the games, still do
Overall though, I preferred Metroid
Just the feel of the game, being Samus, and walking around these unknown planets in an attempt to save the Galaxy, and flying everywhere
The story was amazing, especially in the Prime trilogy
The Prime games (Prime 1-3) where what stuck with me the most, they're probably the most iconic as well
For Zelda, Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are what stuck with me
Majora's Mask was creepy as hell, especially when I was younger, but it was a good game
Twilight Princess is what stuck with me though, the game has that "feel" to it, the one that makes you want to come back and play it again
Twilight Princess was dark and moody, with a long story that was well thought out as well
Trying to figure out puzzles was hard to
So, what where Offtopic's favorite games growing up?
Edit: a lot of Pokemon players, kewl
Pokemon on the Nintendo DS
Halo Crash Bandicoot Dragon Ball Z (Old Cartoon Network)
Super Mario World on the super Nintendo. Also on the Gameboy. Mario cart on the Gameboy. Then eventually Starwars Battlefront on the PS2.
Edited by Not A Synth : 3/2/2016 6:58:18 AMThe old Genwun pokemon games, as well as Super Mario. I would have gotten LoZ as well if I didn't know better. I used to go 'Zelda's a stupid name to give to a dude'. That triggered a lot of people and I'd have no idea why.
Metal gear solid. Conker's bad fur day.
Related: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/191366911/0/0
Edited by Eiknarf: 3/2/2016 6:19:26 AMCrash bandicoot Super smash bros melee
My mom was really against getting a game console when I was younger so most of my experience with games was with my older cousin. When I was real little I would watch and sometimes play on the n64 and gamecube. Games like mario kart 64 and double dash, super mario 64, banjo kazooie, rayman, donkey kong, majoras mask, twilight princess, etc... When my mom finally caved and we got a gamecube I was introduced to the xbox and xbox 360 through my school mates and my cousin. I remember playing halo 2 and some stupid mechwarrior game with my mate in his basement with his dad's xbox. Man those were good times. Growing up on games I barely understood, me and my friend's imaginations, and the remnants of the 90s and their god awful cartoons.
Halo abd GoW
Super Mario World, Pokémon, and probably Metriod or Zelda: Mejoras mask (No I don't care about the creepy ass moon) [spoiler]Also Nintendo doesn't suck. It may not have all the AAA rated cash cows, but it has one thing that almost every game has started dumping to the side. Couch Co-Op. Honestly some of my best memories are sitting at my buddies house playing some games with them. And Nintendo not only kept it around while others have went more to online gaming, it has emphasized that feature.[/spoiler]
Edited by AurumPrimavera22: 3/2/2016 6:10:18 AMI literally beat other kids' pokemon games for money so they could look cool Also, Spyro is bae
DUDE. Metroid is amazing! I remember the first time I found out Samus was a chick. Crazy times I tell yah.
Realization of lonliness afterwards. Mental scaring. Anger.
OG Metroid...oh man, that game was hard as -blam!- but I never stopped playing it. That and A Link to the Past easily took up a lot of my childhood.
Metroid prime is still just about my favorite game
Goldeneye. After that, Battlefront series
Fallout 3, only fallout 3, also fallout 3
Well, I didn't have Internet till I as like 13, no ragrets. But before that, I grew up on playing things like the NES, which was the first console I owned. And then I slowly made my way up the gaming console list.
Jak & Daxter, Crash Bandicoot, MGS 2, and Star Wars: Battlefront
I grew up reading books...
Edited by Ezko: 3/2/2016 5:59:10 AMGoldeneye and Mario Kart and Halo CE when it came out