Having the urge to jump into Evolve. I know it's been out awhile and people who still play have most likely mastered the game, but is there any chance it can still be enjoyable this late in the game for a new player?
*The standard version is $14.00 and the Ultimate Edition is $30.00
What if you convinced a few of your friends to play it?
**Convinced at least 3 of my friends so far to purchase it. Got the digital deluxe for $16.50 from XBL store, so as long as it last longer than a large pizza and breadsticks I'll be happy. We are going to all play and just rotate monsters.
Edit: I am aware that Evolve had one of the most ridiculous DLC and pricing strategy I have seen/heard of but luckily if you hop in now you can get everything for $26.50 ($16.50 digital deluxe version+$10.00 season pass 2) digitally via Xbox Marketplace. That's cheaper than 2 movie tickets at a lot of places.
That game died after a day. It's not worth any amount of money