Would you ever get a result?
[spoiler]Assuming you could roll it and it didn't take up infinite space somehow.[/spoiler]
Dont care about an infinite sided die I know what a D3 looks like (an actual 3 sided die)
You would then have the [u]SMOOTHEST[/u] sphere imaginable and would not be able to actually see a result written down
Edited by IVIDiggy: 3/3/2016 1:51:53 PMA die with infinite sides would appear to the human eye as a circle. Since each side would have to be such a small shape and size to accommodate the infinite other sides, we wouldn't be able to make out individual sides, thus seeing a circle. If you roll a marble or other type of circular ball, it eventually comes to rest, doesn't it? The momentum you put into the ball eventually runs out, it just takes longer than a traditional die. So yes, you would eventually get the die to stop on a number. Edit: this is hypothetical, ignoring the fact that it's impossible to have infinite sides, and that in order to have infinite sides, the die would be infinitely large, require an infinite amount of space, and we wouldn't be able to read the numbers as each individual surface would be too small.
Yes. It's called a random number generator. Here's a program written in basic for that specific thing. Print "Infinite Dice Roll" Input "Press R to roll dice" roll$ If roll$ = "R" then do Randomize timer REM I typed infinity because I don't remember the basic shortcut for infinity you'll have to figure that out X = (rand * infinity) Print X Do until end
Does a marble stop? Yes.
Of course you'd get a result, the real question is what result would you be most likely to roll?
No because it would take up infinite space. At some point which we can't possibly measure the sides of the dice will need to physically take up space to the point that the die will grow infinitely and can't physically exist. It's an intangible concept so the question can only be answered with no, since the die could never be rolled.
I thought title read "if you die from infinite sides." Which could mean to things You have infinite sides. Whatever that means Or you have a shit-ton of mashed potatoes One of these is much more appealing. *opens refrigerator door*
All sides are screens. When you roll it. A random number comes up.
You would get a result as the momentum you put into the die would run out at some point giving you a result! It would however be [b]really[/b] hard to predict which number it would land on
I think you would get a result. Now, a die with no sides would be a different question.
A die of infinity sides is not something that can be understood by human mind at the moment, try again after a hundred years and someone may come up with a answer
Technically, yes. However it would be so small we could never see it UNLESS it was like the one from gravity falls, in witch case it would be magnified so we could see the result.
A sphere would be it
You could technically call a perfect circle that.
Well, if we disregard the sizes and shapes that would be necessary for an infinite sided die.... I don't see why infinite possibilities would render a result impossible. It only makes the probabilities impossible to calculate
It's not possible, therefore I don't care.
You would get a result.
Thought it said If you have to die infinite times
Yes, a sphere, or a fourth dimensional shape, due to it being able to roll the inside of the shape.
*rolls ball* *looks at top of ball* Yep, that's a result
There's a interesting video from Vsauce talking about Supertasks. You might like it.
If it's at all possible, it's a sphere. And you couldn't label it with "infinite" numbers, anyways.
So a spheroid