Hey, can you use it without Counterbalance and just Brace Frame?
I bought the palace last week, and was gonna get the 2nd roll with Spray and Play and Crowd Control, but it doesn't have Counterbalance.
So is this still usable in PvP?
It rips in crusible croud control rap3s
Ps idk if anyone read the Wheel of Time series but this gun makes me feel like I am trying to wield the male half of the source.
Mine has rifled barrel/glass half full/last resort and still rips it up (my only reign of terror was with it) but I really do have to wrestle againt the recoil.
I grabbed that one because I hate focus fire, although I've never tried it on a 100 rof auto. If you put on the increased stability/smaller mag it is wonderful. Still have a 60 round mag, with fast reloading,and crowd control, with almost nonexistent recoil. Overall I'm happy with it, but I prefer the one I got before that's on my hunter.