originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][i]Digital Construction complete.
Weapons. Complete.
Environment check. Complete.
Honour and glory [u]TESUTO.[/u][/i][/b]
[spoiler]Will take the place as a lieutenant[/spoiler]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 3/15/2016 7:58:32 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
No matter how many times I look at it It still looks like a badass -
Bramd - old
Come at me -
Is that a freakin' samurai Boba Fett?
"Tesuto does not comply with weird plant hippies Sensei Ite. But it respects your compliment."
Plant... Hippie? [b]I draw Epilogue.[/b] I do not appreciate such insults.
"Sensei Ite. You were excepted long ago. Are you....challenging us...for sake of us roasting the shit out of you?" [b]Tesuto draws his two massive 72" katanas.[/b]
[b]My scythe extends to compensate.[/b] You of all people should know what honor is, and the repercussions of such dishonorable words.
"We were programmed by Sensei Salazar. What did you expect Sensei Ite?" [b]He readies[/b]
[b]I prepare a defensive stance.[/b] Salazar... A name I have not heard in a long while.
"Ya....we have been delayed for....many months" [b]He bows. And awaits your first move[/b] "As is customary. The challenger makes the first move"
[b]In about .3 milliseconds, I leap forward with a quick swipe.[/b]
[b]He blocks the scythe with his blade and kicky jump kicks you in the chest, sending you to the ground. He begins to circle around you [/b]
[b]All the while, while he circles me, a wall of ice forms around us, forming a dome around 5 meters thick. I prepare myself for an attack.[/b]
[b]He impales one of his blades into the ice, suddenly, the katana becomes frozen in ice, making it colder and sharper. He gets into a defensive stance [/b]
[b]The ice refuses to let go of the katana, and instead, after pulling it out, creates a very unbalanced ice club. It begins to creep down the handle.[/b]
[b]He puts two hands on the katana and wings it at you. Smashing the ice on your face and freeing it. He kicks you right leg while your shocked sending you falling face first [/b]
[b]I duck underneath the thrown club, and while you charge, I draw my revolver and I shoot 3 times at your leg, chest, and arm.[/b]
[b]The bullets dent your armour. But he follows through by slashing through you knee with the other katana. He picks you up and lifts you over his head. And throws you straight through the 5 metres of ice with incredible strength. Shattering the dome. His foot gets caught in some ice. He crouches quickly to try to remove it [/b]
[b]The ice covers your leg, and infiltrates through your leg armor, and sends spikes into your electronics. I get up, and begin covering the ground around you in ice.[/b]
[b]He breaks out of it by using his flaming katana, which melts it. He combats your ice with his fire.[/b]
[b]He is now surrounded by water, exactly as planned. I pull out a little pistol, and shoot a small ball of electricity into the water.[/b]
[spoiler]You know....electricity isn't super effective on him if that's what you are going for...[/spoiler] [b]Even though he is electrocuted, he stabs his blades into the water, which absorbs all the electricity coming from it. The blade is now electric, and he shoots a bolt of electricity at you[/b]
[b]... Shit. I take the electrical bolt, and have a quick seizure. I prepare my scythe, and get ready for an attack.[/b]
[spoiler]>have a quick seizure Lol!!![/spoiler] [b]He jumps out of the pond and karate chops you in the neck[/b]
[b]I grab your hand as it comes down m. A cold sensation is felt on your wrist. I flip you over, slamming you on the ground.[/b]