I can't stop using this gun. I'm always drawn back to it. Does anyone have any suggestions for a replacement? I'm open to any weapon type. Thanks in advance guardians.
***Thanks for all the input guys. I never thought I would get that many responses. I\m sure I'll be able to find something from the suggestions you guys made that will bring a nice change to the game for me.***
Hung jury,last extremity, cocytus and tunella are all the same gun. With such minor differences that they're not even worth mentioning. I like the cocytus and tunella because the frames are stripped down and are much less distracting
I used it religiously until I got a Doctrine and Grasp. Now I use them more. I only use my Hung Jury in the Raid now. Not saying that the Doctrine and Grasp are better, just that I was getting bored of using the Hung Jury all the time.
An imago loop with a God roll can outclass most primaries in pve.
Hung Jury is just so reliable. Suros PDX45 is a fun primary to use. Suros Dis-43 or 47 can be nice to use depending on the perks you get. Imago Loop and Eyesluna are solid without perks and are amazing with a good perk set. Imago Loop was really hard to put down. Exotic wise, Boolean Gemini is fun but its sights aren't my favorite. Jade Rabbit is a bit addicting to use. Zhalo Supercell is hella fun. Hard Light seems like it's worth a shot now. Red Death is Red Death. Bad Juju is Bad Juju. First Curse is kinda fun imo.
Boolean Gemini
I love the zarnaea-d. It sounds awesome and is good for pushing.
Tuonella all day long. The only other scout I use (bar mida)
Treads upon stars
I recently started using the Monte Carlo. Awesome gun.
COCYTUS SR4 Your welcome. The one on my warlock has firefly. Boom! Headshot, lol.
[spoiler][b][i][u]JUST USE THE HILT[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
Tread upon stars.
would wholeheartedly recommend the TLALOC........buuut u dont have a warlock ;)
Jade Rabbit or Tlaloc
Boolean Gemini, I've gotten addicted to it. Aggressive ballistics makes it awesome.
good rolls on treads upon stars and not like the others would be a suitable replacement. i have a treads that i like in PvP, what little i play anyway.
This may be hard to get but the raid pulse rifle made me stop using my Hung Jury. To be honest I don't know why?
I got a pretty fantastic role on the Last Extremity scout rifle. I don't see it used much but I really enjoy it a lot. I leveled it up to 320 and its on my hunter now if you have not seen it before. I guess its a preference but it was a nice alternative to Hung Jury.
I like the suros Dis 43 from last week it has more stability and a larger mag.
You will never stop using it because the Hung Jury is the best. >:)
I live scouts but they hate my play style. I push never stay back. My load out will most likely lean to bad juju any shotgun if I can find a good one and was ash factory but I grabbed the rocket from IB works well.
Without elementals on primary's that's all I use for raids(besides the daughters and oryx) and nightfalls
I use the Paleocontact or the Hung Jury ... or the Mida. Same three guns, I've gotta get something else as well.
I never liked scout rifles, so eh any gun? I personally love my smite of merians (have 3 of them all with firefly)
I'd keep it I use in the hard raids every week and it was my first 320 weapond it's so damn good
I was using it initially to start year two, but switched to nirwens mercy when that came up. Haven't looked back. Although I was thinking of trying it out again...