Christians seem to have this idea in their heads that, because the Bible tells them they have to love everyone, they do. Fine. Great. I just want you people to know that saying "I love everybody" doesn't mean anything. Literally anyone can say that. How do you show your love for all 7 billion people on this planet?
My favorite is when Christians say they love gays too, even though in their heads, they believe that gays will be tortured in Hell for all eternity.
Anyways, Christians: please stop pretending to love everyone. Thanks.
Purse, out.
Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
My favorite is when people say god loves everyone and so he gave us free will. Except that he still sends people to hell. There is also that time he flooded the planet because people didn't act in a way he liked. It's not exactly free will if you use fear of punishment to then try to dictate our actions anyway. Very "loving."