$150 Explorer Edition (don't ask me how much that is in Her Majesty's BritBucksTM) is coming to the PC, with a ship figure, an explorer badge, and a mystery item to be revealed closer to launch.
PlayStation 4 fans can also look forward to a Special Edition, which, as listed by GameStop, includes a copy of the game as well as a steelbook case, 48-page artbook, exclusive comic book, dynamic PS4 theme, and "starter pack" including a ship boost, bonus resources, and an in-game weapon blueprint.
In the meantime, enjoy Ryan McCaffrey(?)'s 30 minute adventure in what seems to be a more resource-driven Skyrim in spaaaaaaace.
The question for me is. Is this game worth buying a ps4? I mean I would probably get some other games but mainly just single player exclusives. Guess I've got a few months to find $400 if I decide it is.