Been playing inferno 3v3 and it's a lot of fun. I stand by the fact that Trials needs radar off. The people that say it would encourage camping are the ones that would camp. Personally I wouldn't, no radar means you'd get snuck up on if your gonna go ladyboy style and camp.
No radar on Trials=an actual hardcore game mode.
Hopefully this change is made and we can see what happens to y'all who camp spawn hardscoping when you gotta watch your 6.
I agree with the sniper thing. However, no radar I'm not a fan of
Edited by grey: 3/4/2016 10:07:38 PMI mean really all they have to do is upgrade flinch. Edit: Hell yes, I am all for no Radar in trials. It would make map awareness, flanking, and stealth all very important. It would really make it hardcore. I love that idea.
I've been saying remove radar from trials forever I would care about the amount of snipers then. Also should add scope sway to snipers would make sense to have perks like hidden hand and stuff then idk to me they make sniping to easy. If you removed radar and added weapon sway to snipers I think you'd see a favorable difference in the way matches played out.
Descope yes but no radar means a camp fest
Descoping on hit? How -blam!-ing dumb is that? That shit is laughable. - A person who can't snipe for shit and uses shotgun instead
Not a bad idea but i'm starting to think some players are using a radar mod. Call me crazy but I've seen a few dark matches in which the opposing team had a very keen sense on where to find us.
No radar, because dying to someone hiding in a doorway with a shotgun is fun. Maybe for one single week though it would be okay.
Edited by Vrchue: 3/4/2016 9:38:35 PMTrials with no radar wouldn't that make it harder for you. Sense you know you kinda suck.
Edited by WILLtheKILLA5: 3/4/2016 7:15:55 PMI always think descoping needs to be the standard.
I'd like to see an actual hc mode with no radar and little less health.
What about weapons that give you radar as a perk? While I like the idea of "No Radar" Trials, that would open up a can of worms. Mida, Taikonaut and anything else that gives Radar, what would become of it?
Go play halo. Its competitive scene is actually acknowledged by the people working on it.
I agree and it was nice to play with no heavy round as well.
That will just promote shotgun campers that hide behind doorways. It will slow the game down too much.
Inferno Elimination is so much fun.
Edited by Renots66: 3/4/2016 4:55:54 PMI already suck at pvp so hell why not make it harder lol
I also believe the radar should be deactivated for trials. As for the descope that will never happen
People can't see their radar if they're hardscoping you. /Logic
Edited by Lead Farmer: 3/4/2016 7:45:51 PMYes to the lack of a radar. No to the second considering snipers now can't camp unless they want to get flanked and have their legs ripped off while I make a wish. Lol I actually LOVE the 3v3 Inferno. No heavy round. No radar. Special won't load for 3 minutes. And the best part is you HAVE to use strategy. :)
This, would really love this... would make things more exciting... even nice for year 1 players as icebreaker is so popular now, patiance and time would be of more value
Bungo is too lazy to implement these changes. Even though it would take away the need for them to remove heavy round just by making it inferno. Also they wouldn't have needed to change special ammo at all.
Trails need a lag fix...there is no fun playing it any more
Inferno trials would be cool.
Yeah they should at least try it for one weekend and see how it works
That would be really cool, but it would promote even more camping IMO
Well, guess we need to nerf fusions again