So, I've been reading through some of the hundreds of "prove to me that God is real" threads, and based off the majority of Christian comments, I've come to a conclusion: Pretty much the only reason people believe in God is "faith".
I'd just like to remind everyone that faith is the deliberate suppression of critical thinking skills.
What kind of God would give humans such intricate brains, then tell us not to use our critical thinking and reasoning skills, things that separate us from most other animals?
We shouldn't have to ignore science, or go against our intuitions just to be able to believe in God, and subsequently go to heaven.
Purse, out.
I don't see why you have to choose one or the other. I am freely able to believe in and discuss the Big Bang theory, evolution, etc without having any crisis of faith. I understand that they can't both be true but I think it's valuable to be exposed to a diversity of opinions. It's also a good skill to not become offended when you are exposed to something you disagree with.