I've been thinking about this for a while and would really wish this makes it to the game.
[b]- THE SPEAKER -[/b]
- should be the MASTER EXCHANGE SYSTEM for all material, consumable & currency, trade one for another and vise versa. No more limited options.
- Should have weekly quest that resets every Tuesday. 1 new quest every week.
- Quest should have SPECIAL UNIQUE mechanic's similar to "a tale of two guardians" quest from refer a friend activity and "crimson bonds" quest from crimson days event but better. Should always require a fire team of 2 or more and have 10 (20) difficult steps with modifiers. Maybe even weapon & gear requirements. Also challenges.
- give him 6 weekly bounties
Also here's a brand new idea
[b][u]- Build your own ghost[/u][/b]
---change ghost voice
---Change shell colors (shaders)
---change shell model
---Change spawn appearance (ghost & guardian)
---change spawn color (ghost & guardian)
[b]More ghost functions[/b]
- something with the d pad the left and right directions and also A & B buttons. Since X & Y do stuff.
- back button should be the only button to put ghost away
And it should be next gen only to encourage people to save their money just like I did