Fill in the blanks!!! What will you do if Donald Trump wins?
Since I am op, I will go first.
If Trump wins, I'll become a weeaboo.
[spoiler]Edit: 99 comments. That's like, freaking crazy[/spoiler]
Cheer & bathe in the liberal tears
Put Legos in his floor in hopes he steps on one
Move to Canada
Suck dick
Edited by IamFrogerdawger: 3/5/2016 5:58:24 PM[quote]Fill in the blanks!!! What will you do if Bernie Sanders wins?[/quote] Fixed I would move to Aussie m8!
Be remembered forever for the assassination of a is president.
Down a gallon of bleach, shoot myself in the neck and hang myself with piano wire.
Sit nice and comfortable in the UK with the prospect of our own nutty, right wing man with crazy blonde hair running for Prime Minister
Move to London
Move to Canada.
Kill myself
If Trump Win's I'll Call Jimmy so he can eat The World
Suck it up because I'm not a pussy.
Stay right where I am and vote him out in the next election.
If he wins, I am totally opening up an underground railroad to smuggle at least a few poor yanks into Canada. [spoiler]shall we see how many of you poor saps can fit in the back of a pickup when it's your turn to jump a border to escape to a better life? Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha[/spoiler]
Move to canada
celebrate because a great man has taken control
Neck it...
I'll attack the USA with my AT-ATs and my Stardestroyers.
Continue on with my life as normal, being grateful it wasn't Hilary.
Probably contemplate what's wrong with the USA.
Carry on like normal.
Continue my daily routine because his presidency presence has no effect on my life.