SRL gave me a reason to play Destiny again. It gave me a reason to throw away my Wii with Mario Cart, and destroy some ass in Sparrow racing. The addition of racing to Destiny gave me the feeling of being back in Forge-made Halo mongoose races. It brought me back to why I love Bungie and their games. Bring back SRL so Guardians who don't want to fight over-powered MIDA's and Thorns can have something to play without redoing the raids for the billionth time. I loved the concept but make it more competitive and more fun. Add more traps, maps, pathways, Mario cart elements like blue shell/red shell equivalents (if you know what I mean). Also, add a passenger to shoot others on the back to add in some more badass-ness. I hope you see this and make SRL permanent!! Please comment, Bungie, to shut me down or other Guardians with their comments. Thanks!!
Heres what i want from SRL. The obvious first: More courses. The less than obvious next: -Make it a week long, monthly event like iron banner. (I think there should be a weekly event every week, tbh) -Give it a full set of gear: weapons, armor, ghosts, you name it. -Make the drops similar to iron banner(maybe buff a bit for both). Three peices of gear are available an event, and these can drop post game up to 310 light. -Have a new vendor that hangs out in the same plaec saladhead does for ib You can buy the gear you want but don't get as a drop here, as well as pick up bounties. -Similar ranking system, class item, shader and emblem give you boot, and a daily boost increases each day. -Rank three package is a guaranteed 310 item. Rank 5 is a 310+ random piece of SRL gear. -Top three places get rep based off of the placing. Bottom three get participation medal. Can stack up to 15 of these (less frustrating for people who aren't good at it) Third place counts as a win, to redeem these medals. I think i hit all the points i wanted to hit there.