[spoiler]I honestly feel like the division is the best thing that could happen to destiny. it needs utterly stomps Destiny and Hopefully that'll kick Bungos ass into high gear [/spoiler]
So technically I'm still right.
This is division taking a jab at destiny, using GAMEZONE quote.
You guys need to flex those neurons
[quote][b]Ninja edit:[/b] [spoiler]This thread has been moved to the #Gaming forum. [url=]See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Gaming tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=]Spawn,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler][/quote]
Misinterpreted message
Plot twist: Ubisoft is Bungo
The people pointing out the misquote are totally missing the point lol. Ubisoft intentionally did it to take a shot.
Looks fun sure, but a 3rd person shooter isn't my cup of tea. Still looks cool though.
Comparing two different style of games lol I love it
Division is bad. The same grindy bullshit as Destiny. People will be bored in a few weeks. It's nothing special. Overhyped.
We all know this is a taken out of context quote, and we know that you're also an idiot.
Not their words so they are not doing anything so no.
Misleading quotes. Bravo Ubisoft
You do know that quote is taken out of context right? The article in question is talking about the beta numbers. Not the full game.
I don't understand how the two can be compared.... They're so different lol
i read an article about this, and it was taken pretty much entirely out of context. not defending destiny, but here are the facts: the quote from IGN is from E3 2013, not 2015, which it got from the reveal trailer. this one actually means something against destiny because they revealed at the same time. "blows destiny out of the water" is [i]technically[/i] true, but only because the beta had 6+ million people and the destiny beta had only 4+ million. destiny [i]now[/i] even in its very weakened state has 10+ million active players weekly.
The division is only enticing because its new! Destiny isn't dead, its just stale and stagnant. By the time the new pve content drops in destiny, the division will have run its course and you'll come crawling back to Lord Shaxx and the vanguards.Search your feelings guardian, you know it to be true.
Funny considering the quotes were taken out of context.
Just because Destiny is an mmo like the division doesn't mean all of us are going to being running over there to play it. It has a very different play style than Destiny. It's so slow paced and almost feels like free roam, and it's 3rd person. While Destiny is first person and a more fast paced up in your face game. Which is my type of game, the division is not. And unless I see a reason to buy that game, it's not gonna happen.
I know lol. "oh that was gamestop that said that" Oh and Gamestop was in charge of the ad released? God forbid logic gets used
Is the division next gen only?
You sir are very ignorant. Check out this article before misleading any other players.
Wait, is game zone important? Because I never heard of them before.
It seems the the division going to pushing out more content then destiny. Between beta they definitely fix the game. When the game goes live who knows what will happen but the game definitely has a pot of potential. I love destiny mainly for the gun mechanics but I also feel like bungie missed the mark. Destiny could be so much better.
Gamezone said that, The Division just chose it.
I might try division when it comes out. Is it good? I don't want to waste another 140 bucks like I did with destiny. Hardcore fan boys be gone! *holds cross*
Go on ubisoft give bungie a kicking they deserve it.
Not defending destiny but the division beta sucked balls.. so will the full game. Lol