Destiny isnt going to do very well this year. There are some serious titles coming out and bungie doesnt seem to give two shits that their bleeding players everyday, and those numbers keep increasing.
Destiny is not a competitor in its current state, and hasnt been ready for competition for almost two years. Destiny has ran unchallenged cause everyone else sucked, and destiny didn't suck as bad as the rest did.
Will the division be great? Idk, it looks like fun and im just happy to have something new to play. -blam!-ing current gen games have been shit, and destiny has been the biggest disappointment in gaming history
I never said it was a competitor but it's funny how they use " better than destiny" to advertise their game all I was saying. [spoiler]damn you people are sensitive [/spoiler]
All right my bad then. I didnt notice OP say " better" in the post. I just hate bungie at the moment
Lol neither did I
I understand that entirely, a lot of people seem to want this game to fail and probably at one time or another loved it the most.
I want to love this game, but i cant because of bungie. When my girlfriend bought the game for me as an anniversary gift, i went in with low expectations cause of activision, only to realize i should of set them way lower. Bungie keeps punishing me and the community for even playing the game ya know? Or at least thats how it feels