Honestly it is a tactless and unwarranted shot at Destiny and Bungie by Ubisoft.
Even the editor at Gamezone is taken back that Ubisoft used the quote out of context. So much that they are changing their own policy in allowing companies to use their quotes..
If they're already misleading people, what does that say on what might happen post release?
I use to respect Ubi, but this just added to the growing list of things I as a gamer find questionable about their practices as a publisher.
They're slowly becoming Activision.
So what you're saying is Bungie-Vision is teaching Ubisoft how to be like them. The transformation is almost complete.
Here's some food for thought Watchdogs Assassin's Creed Unity Far Cry Primal Ubisoft doesn't need help, they're doing fine on their own..
Honestly I don't believe kotaku anymore. They given out too much false information. Plus they talked to a women who position was not Announced meaning it could be the janitor for the company. Just like all the false information they gave about destiny
While I'm not a fan of Kotaku by any means (after all Luke Smith worked there for some time), but this time they actually are spot on. Here's the link to the Gamezone article where the one quote actually came from [url]http://www.gamezone.com/news/the-division-blows-destiny-out-of-the-water-with-6-4-million-beta-players-3434015[/url] And the quote from IGN is from [b][u]2013[/u][/b] [url]http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/11/igns-best-of-e3-2013-awards?page=3[/url] Why use a quote that is 3 years old when there should be more than enough quotes given the fact how big the current hype train is for The Division..
Like I said the source kotaku talked to never revealed their sources, plus kotaku could be making up stuff just to get reader. Yes the quote was from 2013 but the other one was true since the division did have more people play the beta. It better to wait till the game release.
When they hit activition levels,Next will Come the devil its self.EA
I can see the new slogan. EA Games: its in the money.