Sometimes it's hard to tell if:
they are secretly brimming with confidence and about to drop something on us that is going to make us all say "I'm sorry for questioning you"
they are falling apart and so bereft of direction and understanding that they are really just stalling for more time
3 weeks Bungie. You are on the clock.
INB4 [spoiler]I realize it's probably calendar, not clock. I just think clock sounds more foreboding. Dun dun duuuuuuuuh[/spoiler]
Bereft, obviously. They clearly had no plan going into year 2. I guess they really thought these little timed microtransaction fronts-- I mean "events" would sustain the game for a year? Anything they do now is just in response to the community being upset with their inactivity, not because they had some grand plan waiting in the wings.