When you feel stressed and/or mad, what's a game you play that makes you feel much better?
Fallout or Mortal Kombat.
Dark souls
Any Battlefield Helps me relax sooo much
Coop on Insurgency. It's like playing a smaller scale ArmA.
Well, there's two types of games I play to relieve stress. One is to play a relaxing game, like spore, journey, etc. The other is to go full on catharsis and play something like smash bros or anything that involves mashing buttons.
Netflix... Netflix is a game right?
Pokemon Puzzle and Guitar Hero.
Any game. More recently.. I work 13 hour days, then go home and usually just play dark souls 2
Elite dangerous
Good way to blow off steam, low level missions in warframe with high end gear. You can literally slice enemies to pieces and there's gore galore. The killing in that game period is just very satisfying.
Heh. Dark Souls.
The witcher 3 Even the hearts of stone dlc (costs 10$) has 20 hours worth of content and thats more than gears of war 1 and 2 and 3 combined
Skate 3.
Either Smite or Mortal Kombat.
EDF!!!!!!!!!! THOSE BUGS ARE OUR ENEMIES!!!!!!!............
I find myself running solo survivals in Warframe
Testing and tuning cars in forza as well as just cruzing around in gta 5.
Anyone I'm currently playing through.
Come june, it'll be no man's sky i think :p
Fallout, Mortal Kombat, Middle Earth shadow of mordor, Skyrim, Halo
Whack your boss is a great stress reliever
Masturbation simulator.